Jun 17Liked by Andra Watkins

Andra- you might have some luck reaching out to Adam kinzinger - he just posted on Substack today about PR2025. He is no longer in congress but I’m sure has contacts in the house.

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Jun 17Liked by Andra Watkins

When I heard about the democrats forming a committee to combat P2025 you were the first person I thought about. I knew you were on the cutting edge of this issue from the start. I hope our elected leaders have the good sense to work with you. We don’t have the time to reinvent the wheel here, our lives and liberties are on the line. I’ll put out the word where I can.

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Jun 17Liked by Andra Watkins

Hi! I am Jared Huffman’s constituent! I am going to try today to send a message to him with you your info…We currently have our first 1200+ acre fire burning in our county rn so he might be dealing with that (I kinda hope so), so I’ll let you what happens!

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Jun 17Liked by Andra Watkins

Not to downplay the threat of Christian Theocracy, but even if it is defeated this fall the threat to democracy will live on until true reforms to the process of electing and engaging our Representatives, Senators and President/VP. No doubt a $100K Go Fund Me check would get you all the access you need: that is a non-partisan sickness that needs to be eradicated.

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Jun 17Liked by Andra Watkins

What I’ve found one needs to reach out to a reps staffers. They are very helpful. I usually look up the reps staff and call the number listed and tell them why I’m contacting them. It’s old school but it works sometimes. Below is a link to Jared’s staff. https://www.congressweb.com/bha/legislators/info/mbr_id/33/

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Jun 17Liked by Andra Watkins

I agree - call a staffer or their office. It’s difficult to get through to anyone on email if you aren’t in their area. My representative is Elissa Slotkin (MI). She’s running to replace our current Senator Debbie Stabenow. Both will be against Project 2025. Your expertise is valuable - but call.

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Jun 18Liked by Andra Watkins

I called his local & Fed offices and left messages asking if anyone could get back to me, not specifically Jared himself although that would be nice ;-) plus I emailed him as well. I will keep trying!

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Someone connected me with Jamie Raskin's office, and I'm talking with his scheduler. Will keep you posted.

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Jun 18Liked by Andra Watkins


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Jun 17Liked by Andra Watkins

Perhaps activist, and fellow Substack author, Jess Craven/Chop Wood,Carry Water could help you connect with 3 CA Reps on the Committee. She is an elected member of the Los Angeles DCP.

She supports your work. I know she used some of your info for a TikTok.


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Jun 17Liked by Andra Watkins

Or Rick Wilson

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Jun 17Liked by Andra Watkins

Every day I post your site on Instagram.

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Thank you.

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Jun 17Liked by Andra Watkins

I see what you mean about contacting anyone they are so isolated. My address drags up the creep Calvert which will do no good because I’m sure he’s wholeheartedly maga. After I get ahold of my sister I’ll try using her address.

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I reached out to my contacts to see what I could find out — they recommended hitting Neighborhood Council meetings to connect with Ted Lieu. I could go for you!

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Judy Chu is also a local rep I can reach out to via Neighborhood Council meetings.

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Jun 17Liked by Andra Watkins

Well I called Ted Lieu’s local office and only got an email for him. The aide said it is monitored so I told him(?) or at least someone about your Substack. Very frustrating. Good luck I have a feeling we need a lot of people working on this.

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Thank you.

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Jun 18Liked by Andra Watkins

Katie Couric had a U Tube Video on this. Maybe you could reach out to her?


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If anyone here has a direct contact or connection to Katie Couric, I would love to talk with her. But her team will not respond to a request from me. Likewise, I've reached out to Rachel Maddow's team myself, but I haven't heard anything. These teams are inundated with requests and tend to prioritize requests from people they know. So if anyone here knows anyone there, please hook us up.

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two questions:

are you reaching out only to House Reps? or also to Senators?

why is Massachusetts not on your list?

Is there anyone in MA you'd like me to try to reach out to? My possibles are Elizabeth Warren (current constituent); Steven Lynch (current constituent; Ayana Presley (constituent at prior address).

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The task force is in the House, so I started with the reps on it. (No one from MA.) But someone put me in touch with Jamie Raskin's office, and I'm talking with his scheduler.

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