Jun 18Liked by Andra Watkins

Compromise means losing in the modern republican party.

At least the maniacal Project 2025 is going to finally get pushed out into public consciousness. The Democratic Committee is a huge step forward and I’m so glad that you’ve got a meeting scheduled with Jamie Raskin’s office. Go girl go!

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I have a lot to offer them. I hope we can work together to put it to good use.

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Jun 18Liked by Andra Watkins

Great news ! Another possible connection could be Former Prosecutor ,MSNBC/NBC legal analyst, podcast host and Subsatck author Joyce Vance. She’s starting a Project 2025 “book club”. She has the coolest chickens, too !🐓🐣

I generally like my book club reading a lot lighter than that, but the more I study Project 2025, the more I appreciate the importance of understanding Trump’s plan for America. Like Trump, who often says the quiet part out loud,


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Thanks for this info. I hope lots of people will read P2025. It's a beast to read.

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Jun 18Liked by Andra Watkins

I’m sure, especially for those who have lived it…😔

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Jun 20Liked by Andra Watkins

I’m thrilled to hear you have a meeting with Raskin’s office. It is a start. Sending positive energy that you’re able to share yourself as the subject matter expert. Developing a relationship with the staffers is so important. Their job is to share the information with the representative. After I lobbied I called and the email address of the staffer to say thank you. An excellent start to touch base every few months and offer additional assistance if needed. 😊✨

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I'll update everyone as to how it went. :)

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Got the address

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Jun 18Liked by Andra Watkins

We need to take action and not become overwhelmed with despair. I'd previously mentioned Focus For Democracy, which analyses and suggests organizations that can most effectively use our dollars to educate "undecided" voters and get more Dems to the polls. I just learned about Oath - https://app.oath.vote/ - where you can choose the presidency, Congress, or reproductive rights (or all 3). Oath analyzes thousands of races and tells you where to most effectively donate. I've stopped rage-posting on Washington Post comment sections, and I'm now spending that time sharing this info on Substacks' comments, and with my friends and acquaintances. Action feels good! More hopeful!

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I'm grateful for every group you share here, Jan. I want to change out my calls to action regularly, and your suggestions help me.

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Jun 18Liked by Andra Watkins

I'm glad you're talking to Jamie Raskin. For the other congresspeople you're trying to reach, maybe the Secular Coalition could help you - https://secular.org/

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I only need to get one to say yes, and I should be able to help. But thank you for this link. It may very well come in handy.

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Jun 18Liked by Andra Watkins

That’s great news! Looking forward to hearing more.

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I'll keep paid subscribers updated.

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Jun 20Liked by Andra Watkins

SBC claims 13 million members..... which seems deliberately overstated to give them a facade of being larger and more important than they are...... as if they are the authority on everything. Their numbers have been reducing for the last 20 years. As all religious membership has been eroding for years.

I look forward to this IVF edict further eroding their membership and putting wedges deep within their churches.

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13 million don't attend their churches every Sunday. I'd be surprised if half that number do.

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