Apr 27Liked by Andra Watkins

These fucking fascists are literally the biggest liars, everything they say is an attempt at the Jedi mind trick. And explaining what they think the Constitution is about, they act as if they (the fascist) are the ones that are oppressed, they lump themselves in with the rest of us regular sane folks who don't buy into the dogma and ideology of their damn bible.

If the founding fathers were around today they would be horrified that every single Republican, and all the religious rhetoric, worshiping, ideology happening at the national level, state level, public schools. They would also be horrified at all the guns and mass shootings.

The Christian taliban's "understanding" of the Constitution is (IMO) not how they really believe it's written......it's what they're trying to twist and contort it into, they have it completely wrong, completely backwards.

Nearly 4,500 words in the Constitution and not one of them is god, jesus, allah, bible, quran, noses, immaculate conception, garden of eden, resurrection.....

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This is what autocrats do. They gaslight. They twist things. They use double-speak. They destroy the truth. The confuse. They accuse other people of doing what they brazenly do and deny they said and did things EVEN WHEN YOU SHOW THEM THEY DID AND SAID THEM. The Christo-fascist Republican Party is one of the most dangerous things on earth right now. I refuse to call it the party of 45. It is a Christo-fascist party. They are determined to destroy our democracy, and they are proving that on every front.

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Apr 27Liked by Andra Watkins

I saw a perfect meme today, I wish I could attach it here but I can't. Here is what it said:

" I don't give a fuck what your 21st century pastor believes a 17th century King meant when he told priests to take passages from 4th Century scribes who wrote about what they believe a 1st century goat herder saw. Keep your religious interpretations out of my government"

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Very good one.

One major turning point for me was reading about how the King James Bible was translated. It was the only Bible my church and school allowed growing up, which is why I still prefer its Shakespearean language in my posts. I memorized chunks of it, so my brain still recalls verses in that format. But I was never told James VI and I was gay or at least bi. I didn't know anything about the debauchery of royal courts. Learning the history and mores of the time gave that book a whole new meaning.

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Apr 26Liked by Andra Watkins

It's quite rich when they talk about what 'the rich and powerful have hated about democracy in America since 1776.' Everything, everything, is always projection with these people.

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Every time I read that paragraph, I see more garbage to unpack. But it is very important to associate Bible and Constitution and how they have set themselves up to be the sole authority on both. And keep hammering that theme.

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Apr 27Liked by Andra Watkins


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