13 hrs agoLiked by Andra Watkins

After I read your post and picked my jaw up off the floor, I had these thoughts: I don't think God cares about brownie points; Jesus said it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven; and the focus on heavenly mansions and bejeweled tchotchkes reminds me of kids playing "grownup", imagining what their future will be like based on a child's view of adult life. Sigh ...

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Christian Nationalists don't really care about Jesus, other than accepting his death on the cross and resurrection for their tickets to heaven. The parable of the rich man and the camel is popular as a reason God withholds blessings to keep attention and focus on him and eternity. (As a kid, I often heard that the more people had or the more they learned, the less they needed God. So wealth and learning were frowned upon.) They worship angry, vengeful Old Testament God. Many are also emotionally stunted because of this environment. I know I was for a long time. I'm glad you're here, Martha.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Andra Watkins

Thank you, Andra! You're doing important work, dragging this stuff into the open and showing just how dangerous it is. ❤️

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13 hrs agoLiked by Andra Watkins

Thank you Andra. As always I appreciate your hard work and helping me understand the bigger picture. Grateful for your talent and dedication 🥰

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It's a lot to unpack.

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13 hrs agoLiked by Andra Watkins

It sure is. What people or I didn’t understand is this movement is global. We were visiting close friends working as teachers in Casablanca Morocco, we stayed with associates they knew from the American schools. The couple were from Iowa retired and were Christian Missionaries proselytizing ( undercover). My spouse and I saw in a back room a global map and booklets. Kids from the US would be hosted at the home. Pretty scary. After I told my friends who are agnostics, they told me they knew something was up. They were a nice couple and we declined virtual zoom church invites while staying there. BTW we loved Morocco it is beautiful and so are the people ♥️🥰

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The same thing happens in Spain. Lots of the kids who come to the summer language program at my school are dominionist missionaries. (One of my friends fled this movement, and we've talked about this aspect extensively.) Some remain to use that foothold to proselytize more people. They are very determined to take over the whole world, because they believe Jesus will not return until they do.

I'd love to visit Morocco someday. It will be easier once we're based in Spain.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Andra Watkins

“So my kids keep me humble. Unfortunately, Kamala Harris doesn't have anything keeping her humble," she said.”

When I read Sarah Huckabee-Sanders recent words it struck me about what I’ve learned here. Harris can’t be “saved” because she doesn’t have biological children.She is a sinner who prevents Jesus’ return.I know some CN have been referring to her as Jezebel…no words.

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Thank you so much for this comment, Kathy. This is EXACTLY the kind of thing I want more Americans to recognize and call out when they see it in the wild. I had the same reaction to Sarah Huckabee-Sanders' (a Christian Nationalist) comment. It's a perfect example of how they use CN women to trash other women, because they think these women are harder to attack.

I'm going to write a newsletter about the Jezebel comments next week. A regular reader sent the video to me to translate for her, but I figure it will give everyone more tools to interpret what they see and hear and read.

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Exactly - no different than Vance's childless cat lady insults

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5 hrs agoLiked by Andra Watkins

I was sickened by SHS's comment about KH via her children. She is claiming she is humble because of them, but what she is really showing is a hubris which is gonna come back to bite her in the ass (hopefully, gobble her up).

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But it is a representation of the narcissistic view Christian Nationalists have about children: Their children aren't individuals; they are extensions of their parents.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Andra Watkins

I clicked the "Free For All" button and it goes to my profile and subscription settings, but it does not tell me how I can donate to your free 'til election day paywall free effort.  Can you please tell me EXACTLY how I can do that? Thank you.

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You are already a Paid Subscriber, Tamarra. (Thank you for supporting my work.) So you've done everything you need to do.

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Your last paragraph did bear repeating. Winning the election is not the end of the story.

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Unfortunately, it’s not. We must keep working to keep our democracy daily.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Andra Watkins

It's like Whack-A-Mole.

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Dominionism - this is simply a religious strategy to gain more control, put more fear into people, further divide us.

It's like a cult leader that has to change his strategy, his messaging, his talking points, his approach in furtherance of the grift....and level of subjugation. They are all power hungry.... the level of power is fine with them for a while, but then they want more.....then eventually it's not enough.....more, more, never enough.

When these church followers turn over all of their logic, reasoning, critical thinking, power and autonomy to their pastors, they will believe anything- I wonder how this dominionism strategy will change in the next 10 years, 20 years. It has to keep evolving, ever evolving to keep vise grip control.

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When people are caught up in these congregations, they don't often see their own radicalization happening. It has taken decades to get to this point. But you're right. It won't ever be enough. They'll keep moving the needle further to the right and othering more and more people until even those in Christian Nationalist congregations won't be safe.

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It is sad that people buy into the Christian nationalist rules, regulations, dogma, FEAR, HATE.......expecting people to be at service every Wednesday night and Sunday- they don't want people getting too far from home or going on vacation because the flock might actually learn something new that way and then never come back to the church.

It's all about control. It's not enough that they control their congregations- now they want to control 339 million US citizens!

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I'm sure my former pastor has pointed to me as an example of what happens to people who aren't in church every time the doors are open. Who travel and learn about art and culture and real history and science.

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Curious - do they practice shunning?

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1 hr agoLiked by Andra Watkins

"Christian Nationalism makes YOUR choices about THEIR ETERNAL REWARDS."

^^^ their perceived and/or believed rewards

they have no proof of any rewards or gold mansions in the sky or heaven or hell

Seems that their "perceived rewards" have been getting bigger and bigger and bigger every decade....

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Project 2025 is about rewarding themselves on earth, because why wait for eternity when you can grab power and subjugate people today?

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10 hrs agoLiked by Andra Watkins

Andra: off of today's topic, but check out yesterday's comment stack for a NASA story link that may interest you.

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Got it. Thank you.

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