Feb 16Liked by Andra Watkins

I'd be fine if the government stopped giving FEMA money to Florida....Ron can cover the cost himself since he politicizes everything already. He can raise taxes so Floridians can truly see the harm Republicans cause. He already rejected $320M from feds to clean up air and reduce emissions.

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This is a hard one, because the trajectory we’re on is unsustainable. But I’d prefer a government that dealt with it proactively by helping people resettle elsewhere when their areas become uninhabitable…which will happen. Not one that shrugs and says, “Oh well, God must be displeased with them. Let them learn their lesson.”

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Feb 16Liked by Andra Watkins

I think that's the right answer. It's not wise to keep subsidizing living in these areas, which is what we're doing, but we also have to deal with the situation as it is rather than saying, 'I wouldn't start from there' (which people LOVE to do). Flipping a switch and bankrupting California and Florida overnight wouldn't be good for -anyone- in America. If we want to look for a silver lining this shouldn't be a partisan issue because the two highest risk states are one blue and one red. But then it would be too reasonable for America to actually try to solve problems rather than pointing fingers.

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Feb 16Liked by Andra Watkins

Yeah I think multiple areas in Florida can't get insurance because no company wants the risk.

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Several states already have this problem. California set up its own insurance for residents who can’t get insurance there.

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Feb 15Liked by Andra Watkins

I think that last paragraph is more likely. When they say states should take care of themselves, they mean California. They don't mean Florida, or your conservative neighbors in South Carolina. If they really were interested in using private markets and incentives to get Americans to build and live in less risky areas, that would be one thing. But I don't believe for one minute that they intend to let some Christian Nationalist in his mansion in Florida suffer the consequences.

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I agree. I think they’ll ignore blue state disasters from day one as “God’s punishment for the sin of voting blue.” They don’t specifically say that in Project 2025, but they readily discuss withholding all federal monies from recalcitrant states who defy the federal government on other things (like sanctuary cities or a nationwide abortion ban.)

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Feb 16Liked by Andra Watkins

Republicans want to privatize everything. The Chattel Project wants ownership. They refer to Democrats as Marxist Leftists throughout the Project. They start out with a few facts and then twist their narrative into fighting the Leftists for God's divine purposes. If it's God's will that a hurricane wipes you out, well, you should have been right with God in the first place. The government isnt responsible to provide flood insurance. The boot strap mentality. Tough shit. This is no different than them gutting the department of education so they can break up the teachers union.

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Break up the teacher’s union, yes, and make all public schools Christian Nationalist religious. Leonard Leo is already setting up the case for that in Oklahoma, but it’s meant to be litigated, wind up in this corrupt Supreme Court, and be applied nationwide.

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Feb 16Liked by Andra Watkins

That guy scares the shit out of me. He's been grooming the Justices for decades. He gets what he wants. He says, I'll own you.

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He’s a mafioso. Absolutely.

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Feb 16Liked by Andra Watkins

Oh, yeah! Really, Andra, who the hell do these people think they are? This is corruption. It appears the government works for Billionaires. If I ever win the lottery, I'm buying a couple judges and a few politicians.

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This corruption was supercharged with the Citizens United decision. So much money has flowed into our politicians' pockets since that Supreme Court case.

I have a friend who was chief of staff for a former Republican congressperson. This person quit that job and moved to another country in the wake of that decision. Their job became impossible. All they had time to do was field special interest requests. No time for constituents. The rhetoric and the misinformation/disinformation supercharged then, too. They saw where this was headed and said, "Not for me and my family."

I wish I'd been that prescient then. Our politicians are little more than prostitutes. They turn legislative tricks for money. It's another reason they can't compromise. When you take a million dollars for your reelection campaign, you can't go against that donor. Money in politics truly is the seminal problem with our democracy, but getting Americans to pay attention to that is impossible.

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Feb 16Liked by Andra Watkins

You're absolutely right. They work it like old whores in a Saloon. There is a reason why they get excited that 51% of American's education ends at the 6th grade level. My malignant narcissist father was always threatened by his children becoming smarter than him. He built nuclear power plants and coal fabrication plants around the world. He sat at the Business Roundtable in Washington DC for many years. I know how these fuckwads think. And women shouldn't have the right to vote.

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