Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

" because if Republicans win in november, we will not have another free and fair election". Totally accurate.

Voter suppression and intimidation has definitely amped up in the last 4 years, Republican secretaries of state are purging thousands of voter rolls. With bullshit reasons like "well, they haven't voted in 7 years"..... as if voting is a use it or lose it right. They then send these little mailing postcards to your home to notify you which completely look like junk mail so most people don't even know they were purged- and it's all by design from the Republicans. I think the Democratic secretaries of State should start doing the same thing to all registered Republicans,..... I feel pretty confident that the Republican secretaries of state are first looking at which party the person is registered under before they purge them.

Tennessee has one of the most if not the most draconian process to try to get your voter rights back after felony conviction- you have to pay all of your court costs and be up to date on your child support, as if either one of those have anything to do with your right to vote. I'm actually surprised this hasn't been challenged to the Tennessee Supreme Court and beyond - because you know very well that there are registered Republicans in Tennessee (that have never been convicted of a felony) that are absolutely not paying child support. The additional new law they want to add to this is that the person has to get back their gun rights- as if owning a gun has anything to do with voting, two completely different things, not to mention not everyone owns a gun anyway, you can't force someone to qualify to purchase a gun in order to give them the right to vote.

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Our media is failing us on so many levels, but this one especially incenses me. Sure, it takes work to track what each state is doing to suppress voting, but voters in each state need to be blasted repeatedly with what they must do to make sure they can vote in November.

I'm putting a link to the National Association of Secretaries of State, a non-partisan group that runs a site where anyone can check their voter registration status:


I checked mine, and it went straight to my state website and pulled up my status in less than 2 seconds.

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins


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Apr 11Liked by Andra Watkins

Excellent! Thanks!

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I hope this week will be useful.

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I agree. Let's repeal the 22nd amendment and elect Barack Obama president on November 5th.

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Excellent article and recap, very helpful

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