Jul 5Liked by Andra Watkins

Project 2025 may prove to be THE most urgent matter in this election.

That's why I subscribed to How Project 2025 Will Ruin Your Life, and you should, too.

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Thank you David.

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Jul 7Liked by Andra Watkins

David this is a really good get-to-the-point call to action template. Simple and succinct, and that’s not easy to do.

…don’t suppose you have a similar template we could use for writing letters to the editors?

Hm? Maybe?

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Jul 5Liked by Andra Watkins

Thank you so very much for the work you are doing. I am now a paid subscriber and doing my best to pass this MOST URGENT MESSAGE on. I’m at a loss as to why bigger platforms are not picking this up and running with it…. This is what every democrat should be talking about.

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We're talking about it. We're sharing it. The more individual Democrats do that instead of arguing, the greater the impact this information will have. Thank you for supporting this work with money, Kat.

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Jul 5Liked by Andra Watkins

Thank you for what you're doing. It's making a difference.

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Thanks for being here.

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Jul 5Liked by Andra Watkins

I see Trump is trying to disown P2025. Whenever anyone associated with our side of the political divide says anything dodgy, Republicans make sure to tie it around the neck of every Democrat. They don't just accept our denials. Can we do the same thing? Or is everyone just going to say, 'see, he won't do P2025, it's just some fringe rhetoric.' 🤦 Gotta make the connections between the people at Heritage and elsewhere, and the people staffing and advising Trump, as well as all other governing Republicans. Can't just go after Trump because he has that political skill of getting people to think he's whatever they want to believe he is. Can our campaigns figure this out in four months? Idk.

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Good point. There are some very obvious ones he will deny but that won’t fly. Stephen Miller wrote a section. Roger Severino. Both would be in his cabinet. I’ll dig deeper.

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Jul 5Liked by Andra Watkins

Yes, please! Now that I think about it, that's the best thing you could do. Because if we have any success at alerting the public, the first thing that happens is the Trump campaign denies having anything to do with those people. So it's actually a sign that we're doing well if he's putting out a statement on his propaganda network (truth social) that he doesn't know anything about P2025 and thinks a lot of it is bad. Which I've read that apparently he just did. That means press the attack! (especially because I fear Democrats and the media will do the opposite and say, oh, okay, we'll move on then. Just like they're accepting that Trump is 'pro-choice' 🙄)

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He just did. That is correct. And I cannot wait for the day when I never have to see anything to do either him again.

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Hitler died in 1945 and we still talk about him. 🤷

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I cannot click like on this statement. I just can’t.

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Jul 5Liked by Andra Watkins

Those red hats are going to be in history books. If we have history books.

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Jul 5Liked by Andra Watkins

Awful. True but awful. Hopefully he won’t have made such a strong mark on the country

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25 of the above-the-line listed authors (of 36) held prominent jobs in 45’s administration. So I’d say he’s lying. But I’ll make a list.

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Jul 5Liked by Andra Watkins

Make the list and forward to all your contacts. Rapid response, to contradict Trump's version of things. In a sane world the media would be doing this but their negligence is a big part of what got us here.

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Jul 5Liked by Andra Watkins

🤞 this gets traction, although it is a Friday on a holiday weekend. Probably worth making it its own short newsletter post too and pinning it? Just a thought. Don't really need to add much to the note version. You have a big advantage here because you've read the whole damn thing, and most people are still trying to catch up.

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He absolutely is lying!! There is a video circulating on SM where DT is giving a speech at a Heritage Foundation convention or meeting of some kind. Their name & logo is all over the blue scrim behind him & he is bragging about how they are crediting him with accomplishing around 60% of their agenda during his prior time in office.

He praises them, so he cannot legitimately deny he knows nothing about them.

So you are no longer the lone voice screaming into the void.

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Provided enough outlets cover this blatant admission.

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Someone has done that in a long thread on either X or Threads. I just read it about 2 days ago. He went through every person who was in Trump’s administration who contributed to P2025, with photos, names, & where they served.

John McEntee, Russ Vought, are 2 that pop into my head immediately.

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My purpose is not 45. It is Republicans generally.

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Jul 5Liked by Andra Watkins

Andra thank you for your advocacy. I’m grateful to be a subscriber and pass this along whenever possible. 🤗❤️

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I know you do, Marcy. I'm super-grateful for you. (Aargh. Spaniards say "Está super-bien" and similar all the time. Putting the word super in front of English adjectives has seeped into my English now.)

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Jul 5Liked by Andra Watkins

Andra, I've just shared a note in several places urging people to support your work financially. It's ridiculous that people expect you to work 40-50 hours a week for free. And you're risking your life! And almost nobody makes money from books, only a tiny minority of writers do. I thought everybody knew that!

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I've said this multiple times here, but it's worth repeating: This election will be about what Americans value. This issue speaks to what Americans value. And to what they don't value.

I appreciate your sharing and encouraging people to pay for this work, Jan. I also appreciate how diligently you work to give us positive actions to take to support democracy. You are a warrior. I'm grateful you're here.

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Jul 5Liked by Andra Watkins

Andra, your note couldn't have come at a better time. I'm spending dozens of hours a week (albeit a fraction of what you're doing!) trying to get people moving, and have found only a small number of friends who are willing to roll up their sleeves and get to work. Some people are in denial, many people seem immobilized by despair about what's going on in our country, and apparently some of my friends are just lazy. So Andra thanks for the "atta girl" - I needed that today.

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I don't know whether you saw another article I shared today, but it speaks to this inertia. Yes, some people are lazy, but many, many Americans are also paralyzed by the tsunami of intimate terrorism we are living through. This article really explains where we are, helps us identify which abused group we're in, and gives us some tools to deal. https://substack.com/home/post/p-146300881

Thank you again for everything you're doing.

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Jul 7Liked by Andra Watkins

Posted on my blog and LinkedIn. Sorry I haven’t been able to do more like I had emailed you about. I will keep telling people about your work and Project 2025.

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Every action counts. Thank you for sharing.

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Jul 6Liked by Andra Watkins

Just posted it.

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Jul 5Liked by Andra Watkins

Brian Tyler cohen is doing a segment on 2025 today. May I send him your list?

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Yes, if it’s not too late.

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Jul 12Liked by Andra Watkins

Views of Project 2025 info is rising sharply across social media platforms. I continue to spread the word and pushing our Democratic Campaign Field Office to make this a key effort moving forward. It’s not easy as they have a set way of reaching out. But they remain open. https://www.fwiw.news/p/project-2025-breaks-through

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If I can do a training session with them, I'm happy to.

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Dearest Andra, I became a paid subscriber the first day I found your Substack & have been encouraging others to do so too. I post about you on X, Threads, & occasionally restack here.

Very recently in the comments of other writers on this platform, who have FINALLY begun mentioning P2025, I have replied to several people who have said they would start doing something similar to you. My exact replies have been; “You don’t need to do that. There is no need to reinvent the wheel! There is already a person on Substack doing this work, her name is Andra Watkins.”

I’ve gone on to name your Substack, list your unique qualifications & tell them that surely they can afford to pay you the $6/mo for something so very important to the survival of our democracy. I absolutely do not want you to give me anything in return for promoting your work, my reward will be to see more people in the comments & I hope they are paid subscribers.

I think it was in Steve Schmidt’s “The Warning” & in Jessica Valenti’s “Abortion Every Day” that I did this.

I sincerely hope that brings in more paid readers. 👍

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More people, both free and paid, find this work every day thanks to people like you.

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