Jul 2Liked by Andra Watkins

RE: the family. I always get the feeling that childless couples don't count or are regarded as "unnatural." Am also struck by the phrase "our children." Just their own children or anyone's? I'm betting on the later interpretation.

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I could write a very lengthy word vomit on how Christian Nationalists view miscarriage, infertility, and childlessness. I will try to summarize.

Miscarriage and infertility - They believe miscarriage and infertility are God's punishment for hidden sin or God trying to get a couple's attention. Miscarriages mean God thinks a couple wasn't ready for a baby or needed to endure some trial to be better parents later. This is why virtually no one talks about miscarriage in these communities. Grieving women and men don't get empathy; they get lectured about God's will and judged for somehow failing to be good enough. Infertility is similar, only God isn't giving a couple a baby because they aren't ready or they have hidden sin in their lives, and he's trying to direct them to deal with it by withholding the child they desperately want. Of course, IVF allows same-sex couples to be parents, and Christian Nationalists will absolutely put a halt to that if they take over the government. Anyone who believes they won't outlaw and criminalize IVF, roll back same-sex marriage, and prosecute LGBTQIA+ people for being who they are is intentionally delusional at this point.

As to childlessness, one should never ever ever ever ever choose not to have children. God deems it NATURAL for a woman to be pregnant as many times as he decides. Couples should not do anything to interfere with God's plans to give them children, which is why they will absolutely outlaw EVERY FORM OF CONTRACEPTION. They also intend to halt all pre-marital sex, because they see all sex-outside-heterosexual-marriage as immoral.

I wish this were hyperbole, but I grew up in this world. I know how they think. And this is ABSOLUTELY WHAT THEY INTEND TO MAKE EVERY AMERICAN DO.

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"Our children" = anyone's. It is their job to make sure your children are good little Christian Nationalists if you fail to indoctrinate them accordingly.

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Jul 2Liked by Andra Watkins

Thank you for keeping us informed. This is so evil.

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It is evil. No matter what happens in the short-run, fascists always lose in the long run. History has shown us that. But those losses aren't without great suffering and death. I'd prefer to beat the ever-loving shit out of them in November, save our democracy, and shore up our institutions so that they never get this close to power again.

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Jul 2Liked by Andra Watkins


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Jul 2Liked by Andra Watkins

I think the Supremes decided to split the baby on Promise 2....stick a devil's fork into Chevron and then stick that fork into the eyes of Justica so she can never see that they sold their robes for lucre and anointed themselves as the Revelation 6.

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They implemented a whole swath of Project 2025 from the bench. Including its call to make the President a dictator.

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Jul 2Liked by Andra Watkins

Restore family as centerpiece = get rid of no fault divorce or just make divorce illegal.

Dismantle administrative state = the trope "states rights" , each state can discriminate against anyone that they want based on religion or or ethnicity or gender or sexuality, or just anyone that they don't like. Each state can steal tax dollars to build religious high schools, literally it will be never ending, why even have an HHS or EPA or SEC or any Department within Washington DC.

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I’ve said repeatedly that it will be all divorce. Unless a billionaire or a CN politician wants a divorce. But we little people won’t be able to get divorced.

And you’re right about the rest.

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Jul 2Liked by Andra Watkins

Now, if President Joe Biden would only use his immensely expanded powers of immunity (thanks to the scoutus ruling yesterday), to implement the opposite of project 2025, this country can be saved.

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While a lot of us wish the Democrats would use this ruling against the Republican Party, I don’t expect them to do it. And we would be prudent to accept that We the People are going to have to save democracy and outvote the fascists by millions. Then we use that mandate to implement our own Project 2025 for a stronger, fairer, functional democracy.

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Jul 2Liked by Andra Watkins

If they don't do it this country is dead.

Drastic situations call for drastic measures.

SCOTUS runs the US now.

Dems are hung up on non-partisan, professional politicians, rule of law politics, don't rock the boat, speaking the truth.... while that may have been true for politics some 40 years ago, that is not the case now.

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I can’t disagree with anything you say. But I’m not holding my breath.

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