Jul 1Liked by Andra Watkins

In the same way that Christian Nationalists are undermining the value and ethical reputation of Christians in general, the explosion of politically-driven religious non-profits wearing the disguise of social service organizations will decimate the effectiveness of mission-driven non-profits that truly work to lift up and support those who need the help. Like the few but growing voices in the religious community who denounce Christian Nationalism, the NGO's that aim to improve lives rather than to indoctrinate must raise their profile in opposition to CN.

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This crowd will actually target mission-driven, non-Christian Nationalist non-profits if they win. The ONLY options will be Christian Nationalist religious indoctrination for assistance.

And you're right. More people need to be talking about this. But every time I try, it's crickets. Everyone I reach out to would rather be upset or pay attention to other things. We have so little time to make a difference, and our collective sense of urgency is being directed to the wrong things. In my view. But I'm not in control of those decisions. I can only make my own for myself and my loved ones. And I'm doing that.

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Jul 1Liked by Andra Watkins

sauve qui peut

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Andra Watkins

Things look even worse with today's awful SCOTUS decision. Focus4Dmocracy is doing a Zoom on Tuesday evening to share their plans for educating undecided voters in swing states to vote to save democracy. Jamie Raskin will be there! F4D has a very effective plan based on decades of psychological and statistical research about how to motivate voters. They're focused on getting undecided voters in swing states to vote Blue, as they will determine the Presidential election's outcome. Please register and attend - https://bit.ly/F4D2July Even if you feel you cannot afford to donate money, pls. forward Focus4Democracy info to everyone you know.. I'm forwarding this to 100 + friends, including those I haven't talked to in years.

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Excellent recommendation, Jan. Thank you for sharing.

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Jul 1Liked by Andra Watkins

This has to be stopped! Never ever vote for anyone unless you KNOW they support the constitution c

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Elections have consequences. The 2016 election consequences keep steamrolling us. And they're just getting started.

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Jul 1Liked by Andra Watkins

Absolutely. My husband keeps saying why can’t he just die. I finally had to explain that he isn’t the problem, the party and it’s 2025 is. I really wish the legitimate conservatives would start their own new party.

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I mean, if he died we'd have a short-term reprieve to get our acts together, though I don't know that Democrats would be proactive enough to use it. (And I am NOT pining for that option.)

But you're right. The REPUBLICAN PARTY is the problem. They are using him to seize complete power and remake our country into a Christian Nationalist theocracy. They know that by 2030, they will be significantly outnumbered, vote-wise. Gerrymandering won't work anymore. They are desperate to make this happen before 2030.

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Jul 1Liked by Andra Watkins

I guess we hope, pray and talk our heads off to as many people as possible to listen about their plans. Keep helping spread the word!

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Jul 1Liked by Andra Watkins

“Gov. Ron DeSantis and First Lady Casey DeSantis ventured to Panama City to hand out $140,000 in checks from Hope Florida, a group that connects low-income families with churches and other groups to provide basic needs, to seven nonprofits in the Northwest Florida region.

Both lauded Hope Florida — which is led by Casey DeSantis — as a groundbreaking way to help residents in need, avoiding a cumbersome bureaucracy while helping them to eventually get off welfare.”


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"...which is led by Casey DeSantis..." Someday, Florida's Sunshine laws are actually going to work, and we're going to know just how profoundly Ron DeSantis and his cronies enriched themselves at the expense of both Florida and federal taxpayers. Because these organizations have ZERO oversight. See below.

"...avoid cumbersome bureaucracy..." So they can take this $140K and pocket it. They don't have to provide squat for anyone, or they can make every applicant live in a Christo-fascist environment every second of their existence or risk losing everything. They have much incentive to deem people "unworthy" for assistance because of their "sinful choices," thereby pocketing more of the money themselves.

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Jul 1Liked by Andra Watkins

It's clear how they would have leverage over vulnerable populations--the homeless, etc. But how would they go about forcing less vulnerable populations? "As many Americans as possible" suggests that there would be some limits.

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Retribution. Vengeance. Weaponizing the government against anyone and everyone who voted against them.

Project 2025 calls for states to open their voter rolls to the federal government. It calls for private voting decisions to be made public to them. So they have lots of tools at their disposal to criminalize or hassle those who voted against them. IRS audits. Anti-porn law violations. And part of the punishment for those things will be forced religious indoctrination.

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Jul 1Liked by Andra Watkins

Oy vey! I'd like to see the relevant section of P 2025. I have read the "executive summary" and a few chapters. If not too much trouble, can you refer me to the chapter? Thanks!

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