Jun 25Liked by Andra Watkins

Thank you Andra for the update. Your recent Substack “The Most Hateful Man Who Ever Lived?” Is an excellent read and includes overviews other key tenets that embody Christian Nationalism. The most important thing I learned from reading your work is the real threat Project 2025 is to our democracy. It is frightening.

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Here's a link to that newsletter: https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/the-most-hateful-man-who-ever-lived

I'm also including the one that followed, as they really go together: https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/if-christo-fascist-republicans-win

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As a non-religious person, I truly didn’t know a whole lot about the evangelical religion and practices. I have learned a lot. I fully understand just how detrimental this ideology is to our American society, and that’s why I chose to financially support your work because it’s news that needs to be spread around and shared as widely as possible!

You all have done a great job in doing so. I am now informed on a much deeper level, rather than just going with my own research and perspectives on this topic. It’s a very scary thought that this insanely twisted social construct could potentially be forced upon us. Keep up the great work! You’re a gem.

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My husband and I talked about this perspective earlier today. It sounds almost surreal and insane to people who've never been exposed to it.

He didn't grow up like I did. Marrying me was a BIG adjustment for him. But despite the crazy world he was frequently thrust in or adjacent to, it took him a long time to understand what people meant when they said things.

Like every time my parents told him they were praying for him, they were telling him he was going to hell. It took like a decade for that to click.

I'm glad I've parsed this information in an accessible, persuasive way for you, Kelly. Thank you for being here.

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Anat Shenker-Osorio and the Research Collaborative (https://researchcollaborative.org/) have excellent data on how to move people past the "Credibility Chasm" (the belief that Project 2025 is hyperbolic and won't come to pass). Political Research Associates publish terrific work on Project 2025 (https://politicalresearch.org/search-solr?keys=Project+2025).

The solution to convincing people about how Project 2025 is a credible threat to democracy is to show how state legislatures have already passed many of the policy proposals in P2025 in states across the US (i.e. the dismantling of public education in West Virginia, destroying the separation between church and state in Louisiana, etc.). Project 2025 is not in the future; it is happening now.

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Exactly. States like Texas and Florida are ALREADY Christo-fascist theocracies to some degree. I've done a number of Project 2025: Happening NOW newsletters that dive into their coordinated attacks and have traced them to policy positions in P2025. Those stories are very persuasive, especially to people in blue states who feel somewhat disconnected from what's happening in red states.

Thanks for sharing these other resources, too.

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Jun 25Liked by Andra Watkins

This ⬆️ I tell Flordians these insane laws were not a reaction….they were THE Plan➡️Project 2025

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Jun 25Liked by Andra Watkins

Woot! If you are part of Rep. Jaime Raskin’s team, thank you!! ALL of Andra’s work is important, but I’d recommend the piece on the Separation of Church and State, which mentions the Republican’s obsession with revisionist history. Since I am also a newcomer to Andra’s work, I have some catching up to do myself. Her personal pieces about growing up in the Baptist church are startling but offer tremendous insight as P2025’s plan for us all. Look, Dems didn’t believe Trump would “win” but he did and no one thought Roe would be overturned but it was. P2025 is out there hiding in plain sight. The more people who read & understand & realize “um hell no” the better - we have to stop it bc it has already started….

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Here's the newsletter you reference: https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/what-is-separation-of-church-and

Sometimes, I do hypothetical pieces drawn from my time in that world. I wrote a very personal one yesterday, but more often they're a fictionalized compilation of situations I saw. Here are links to a few of those:

A more personal story: https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/when-do-people-learn-to-compromise?utm_source=publication-search

On "Pornography": https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/project-2025-happening-now-oklahomas?utm_source=publication-search

On guns: https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/why-do-christian-nationalists-love?utm_source=publication-search

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Jun 25Liked by Andra Watkins

Oops! I just realized I misspelled Rep. Raskin’s first name - apologies! I work with someone who pronounces her name Jamie, but spells it Jaime.

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Jun 25Liked by Andra Watkins

I certainly agree with you about Christo-fascism. That is the form that the right wing envisions. But underlying it are well-worn ideas about race, genetics, and "blood." As a retired German translator, I am devoting my "retirement" to translating Nazi texts that I think shed light on the ideologies currently circulating in the US and elsewhere. Earlier, Andra wrote about the Spanish Inquisition, in which "purity of the blood" justified murder. The Nazis used the same ideas to the same ends. Currently I am translating some of the articles written by a prominent Nazi eugenicist. I am making these translation freely available to those who can make use of them. As you read these first two (another is on the way), allow the contents to bring up resonances to current ideologies. They make for hard reading (and even harder translating) and they should probably come with trigger warnings, as they are disturbing when understood. They're a total mind-f---."



In a nutshell, the idea is how to distinguish characterological "asocials" (think, e.g., LGBTQs, the unemployed, welfare mothers, etc.) who are a drag on the "German race" and subject them to the same elimination as those with medically verified "hereditary disease."

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Thanks so much for sharing your work here, Kenneth. I'm girding myself to read.

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Jun 25Liked by Andra Watkins

Thank you for doing this horrific work. It must be shared with comparisons to everything our current fascists are spewing.

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Jun 25Liked by Andra Watkins

Thank you for your work.

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I’m just today going back & catching up on reading Andra’s work. This was really chilling & it does absolutely remind me of what is happening right now. They’ve achieved several things that I can think of just offhand.

1) Overturning Roe & instituting strict abortion bans in many states.

2) Throwing out Affirmative Action

3) 403 Creative, making it legal to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people

4) Overturning the Chevron Doctrine so that decisions on regulations for clean air, water, etc are in the hands of those 6 religious nuts on the court

It’s just astounding that the road markers are so clear, & that not enough people are seeing them!!

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It’s always so good to see you!

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Jun 25Liked by Andra Watkins

Thanks, Kenneth, I think…..read the first one and it was a difficult read on “racial hygiene”.

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You are doing the work!! How fab that Raskin and his team are reading--makes me wish SC had more reps like him.

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I know. And instead we're treated to our vile Ed Dept head and Foghorn the guvnuh. Sigh. I don't even want to mention our two bought-and-paid-for senators.

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Jun 25Liked by Andra Watkins

I would tell them not to overlook the economic proposals either. They may be more motivated by the anarchist billionaires, but because Christian Nationalists believe God gives you what you deserve, they're fully on board with a system that rewards the rich and punishes the poor, and leaves all of us on our own to fend for ourselves. The probable swing voters in this election may be most troubled by economic and cost of living issues. Obviously I'd like them to consider human rights and civil liberties too, but we also have to meet the voters where they are. We can't let the Republicans have the upper hand on 'the economy', not when they're telling us exactly what they'll do to us.

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Jun 25Liked by Andra Watkins

Also, the msm refuses to report on how well our economy is actually doing, how we avoided a recession, our record low unemployment, all types of crime stats way down, wages rising, unions building, etc., we desperately need our Senators & Reps to go on ALL the news shows, ALL the time starting NOW, to hammer these facts out to the public. Every Sunday morning show, every week, for the rest of the summer!

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Here's my take on that: People who are struggling don't want to be told how great things are.

A lot of Americans feel like they're struggling. Some of it comes from the constant stream of negative economic information they get from the MSM, but in my view, many Americans ARE struggling. They can't buy as much as they could 2 or 3 years ago, and they equate that with a bad economy.

Many of them are living in red states, even though they may be independent or blue voters. When I'm in the US, I live in a shrinking blue dot in a blood red state. I can't imagine how it must wear on people to be surrounded by these people in small-town Texas or central Florida. How exhausting it must be to watch your rights being taken, and still have to go to work and deal with family and health issues and all the rest, AND show up at school board meetings and city council meetings to try to preserve what little democracy is left in those areas.

Democrats have objective data that shows that over time, Democrats deliver better economic outcomes. That if Americans would stick with Democrats, our economy would continue to improve, because the numbers reflect that. That they've done a lot to try to help every American, but they haven't done enough, and they own that they haven't done enough. And then outline how they're going to make that right.

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Jun 25Liked by Andra Watkins

Andra Watkins' explantions of Christo-fascists' belief system should bring the nefarious works of Leonard Leo and Jonathan Mitchell into much sharper focus for people on The HIll who are new to her work. The Heritage Foundation's 920 page manifesto Mandate For Leadership, The Conservative Promise, Project 2025 Presidential Transition Project, is no joke. It is their blow by blow playbook to dismantle democracy in the United States. I hope this helps.

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Yes. A Christo-fascist belief system is the backbone of everything they've built in the judiciary. If they can't win elections outright by espousing these beliefs, they'll corrupt the courts and use corrupt attorneys and adjudicate their religious beliefs on society.

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Jun 25Liked by Andra Watkins

They tell us exactly what they are going to do but so few believe it.

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Jun 25Liked by Andra Watkins

Damn Girl, that's awesome!!!! It's like hitting a home run in a tied game in the ninth inning. I'm so happy you got his attention. Yes!!! You are the gift that keeps on giving!! ❤️ This is so fucking hopeful!! 🤗 Thank you so much, Andra.

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You have been here from the beginning, Lisa. The support of people like you kept me writing when I was convinced this wouldn't reach anyone. You're a big part of making this happen. Thank you so much for believing in this work when maybe 100 people did.

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Jun 25Liked by Andra Watkins

I got your back!!❤️

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Right. My husband grew up southern baptist in Alabama. We had a difference in opinion on prayer in our home, as I didn’t go to church, but just a few times with friends. Religion makes me very uncomfortable. So we have had to navigate through our differences. So, I understand your situation. Thank you for everything. It’s so needed. 💙👊🏼✌️♥️

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I became a paid subscriber the other day so I couldn't comment until now.

This Substack is so incredibly important because, unless you've lived with Christian Fundamentalism or even adjacent to it, you won't know what is going on. I grew up with fundamentalist grandparents and EVERYTHING was biblical based. I'm still traumatized by it. Project2025 is so triggering for me because I can see what the endgame is. It is hard for people who haven't lived it to understand, that is why I'm so glad you got to speak with Rep. Raskin. I grew up in a house divided by religion and there were constant fights about whose version of the bible and Christianity was the "true" religion. Thank you for doing this important work.

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Thanks for commenting and sharing your experience, Doreen. And thanks for supporting this work with money. It helps me devote more time and resources to this effort.

Your description of your upbringing is familiar. People who have no experience with this don't realize how divisive religion is, even in a world of people who profess to be Christians.

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Jun 27Liked by Andra Watkins

Amanda Marcotte sent a newsletter the other day that demonstrates the pull of ideas similar to Knorr's. If anyone wants the WaPo article, I'll send a gioft link.

"Trump puts a lot of stock into the idea that people are simply born with talents, skills, and knowledge. He frequently suggests that people who work hard to get good at stuff are wimps and losers. It’s why he’s always going on about his uncle who worked at MIT over 50 years ago. Trump has repeatedly said that means he, through the power of genetics, is also a scientist. Which any scientist could tell you is not how it works.

"I don’t think Trump actually believes one simply is born with all the knowledge and skills you will ever have, which is why I suspect he is practicing before the debate. He just talks like that because he’s both lazy and egotistical. But this belief does seem to resonate with his base, which is telling.

"Part of the appeal is just racism. White supremacists have long pushed the idea that IQ is both fixed and inherited. But I also think it’s linked to a larger MAGA resentment of those they call “elite.” They’re rarely speaking of the actual elite, the one-percenters who are funding Trump’s campaign. The vitriol is aimed at the educated middle and upper middle class: Lawyers, teachers, scientists, college professors, journalists, and doctors. It feels good to deny that those folks know what they’re doing just because they spent years studying and working at their craft. It feels good to imagine you know more than them, all without having to do more research than a Google search."

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When I was growing up, a lot of vitriol was flung at educated professionals, scientists, and academics because advanced degrees made people question the Bible. Many in this crowd have been indoctrinated to believe everything God meant for humans to know is in the Bible. They think we need no other knowledge. So there was a lot of resentment directed to educated people. After decades, this intolerance is deeply ingrained.

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Jun 26Liked by Andra Watkins


What do I appreciate most about your posts?

1. Having grown up in an extremist Christian (Jerry Falwell) environment, you recognize what Project 2025 is really saying in coded language

2. As a NY Times best-selling author, you can express things clearly in an engaging style

3. You make things understandable by making each post about a specific aspect of Project 2025 and explaining how that will impact the reader's life.

I sincerely hope the Raskin team take you up on your offer to help.

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I remember the first time we talked face-to-face (onscreen), and you were gobsmacked when I talked about a few of their views on sex. I'm going to link to the main newsletter here on sex here. (And I hope you're enjoying your vacation.)


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OK, Raskin and staff get the rest of your Congressional friends to follow Andra. I have had some vague ideas about what has been happening with The Moral Majority and the evangelical right since the 80's but I did not really know who the Heritage Foundation was and about "dark money" and the Koch brothers. Andra has "street cred" about the Christian right and she really connected the dots for me. I have used her substack to inform my friends about Christo-fascism but I don't have and influence in Congress--you do !

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I’m glad to hear how this work has been helpful for you, Susan. I wanted to give people more tools to use in the fight. It sounds like you’ve been using them wisely.

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Jun 25Liked by Andra Watkins

Yup! On all counts, Andra.

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Jun 25Liked by Andra Watkins

Thanks,Andra. I’ve been frequently linking to your site. You make it so easy to share info when you use quotes and page #s from P2025. Also,my recent Letter to Ed was published in local Gannett paper, here in MAGA-vile, FL ,using some of those quotes about birth control.

All very helpful as I’m finding a lot of voters are unaware of Amendment 4(abortion access) on the FL ballot. Prioritizing fertility-based awareness methods/rhythm methods and de-funding condoms does not 🟰winning platform !

I also like to share this 1 min clip from the Heritage Foundation/P2025 about “senseless birth control” and “ending recreational sex.”


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Congratulations on your letter to the editor! I hope these contraception points move the needle, because they couldn’t have endorsed the rhythm method more plainly (all while saying they object to calling it that.)

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