Jan 29Liked by Andra Watkins

I suppose a question people will have is how they will accomplish this: executive orders, legislation, court decisions, or their own mobs in the streets no longer being constrained by anything. My guess is all of the above.

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I’m grateful you’re here for many reasons, Zach, but you always ask the right questions. It helps me know what people would like to know, and I can respond to it in future posts.

To answer you here, yes. They will use all of the above. A Republican president will sign a slew of executive orders on Inauguration Day. They will have been drafted in advance.

If they capture Congress, they will do away with the filibuster and any other lever that gives the minority power on the first day, and they will pass a slew of bills that will have been developed in advance.

They will use the courts to stymie challenges to these laws, and they will ignore court decisions that go against them as “illegitimate.” (We’ve already seen this behavior on Supreme Court orders to redraw election maps. Why anyone thinks they’d stop there is beyond me.)

I’ll write a longer answer as a post, and I’ll make a note to link to it in future dives like this one into pornography.

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Jan 30Liked by Andra Watkins

I have lots of thoughts to reply with too when I have time and my brain is fresher :)

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Jan 31Liked by Andra Watkins

Agreed, their list of porn would be much larger than what you listed. We'd lose thousands of pieces of art.

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We would. As a creative person, thinking about the implications hurts my heart.

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