Apr 4Liked by Andra Watkins

They want zero requirements on charter schools! But of course they want the tax dollars and the money from the feds, but they want to teach their fake history and their indoctronization.

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Coming back to say I probably didn’t stress the term “any lawful education purpose” enough this week. Florida has already tried to make it illegal to teach girls about their periods. Several states have passed legislation attacking history and DEI. It isn’t a stretch to think they could mandate the teaching of divine creation as science. To my knowledge, nobody has tried that yet, but it won’t surprise me. It is crucial for readers to study the way they use words.

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Apr 4Liked by Andra Watkins

I'm still amazed that Florida is so fucking backwards, seriously they have a problem teaching 11-year-olds about their periods. and the reason that I'm so shocked about this in Florida is because there's so many Northeastern yankees that live down there. Generally they should be more level-headed. I've been told from people here in Tennessee that most people in the South consider Florida a yankee state because of all the NY & NJ people living down there. But it doesn't seem to be helping the Democratic politicians, lol..... I'm sure a big part about is due to gerrymandering.

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A big part is gerrymandering, yes. But Florida is an interesting place. Lots of different states rolled into one. A lot of it very dysfunctional. Florida Man is real. There are also a lot of great people in Florida fighting its fascist government.

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Apr 4Liked by Andra Watkins

But if they did it in a public school, the government could take away their funding, agreed?

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Right now, yes. But not if Republicans win in November. They will change what “any lawful education purpose” means.

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They will make “Christian education” fit the term “any lawful education purpose.”

And they will make it unlawful to teach sex education and evolution and fact-based history. All with taxpayer money.

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Apr 4Liked by Andra Watkins

Regarding the charter schools that took $175M in Federal grant money but never stayed open or even opened at all - that is fraud. Do you know if they were investigated? What's to stop me from running this grift with literally no intentions of ever actually opening up the school? It's like the law school based on biblical law that Moscow Mike Johnson tried to start in Louisiana but it could not get accredited, so they shut it down after they took millions of dollars. But I don't feel bad because I think this money only came from evangelist donors.

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According to everything I read, they don’t know what happened to those funds. Which is why they put more stringent peer review protocols in place in March 2022. In my experience the only people who complain about having to show their receipts are the ones who have something to hide.

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Apr 6Liked by Andra Watkins

That is something that makes me really angry with our govt, the waste of funds & the fraud that people & orgs get away with!! Grrr

I mean wtaf do they mean, they don’t know what happened to the money?? They disbursed those funds to someone, go arrest them

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Our entire economy runs on fraud. If we cleaned it all up, we’d have a crash. It is appalling to me. I could share story after story of things I’ve seen in my own orbit but won’t because this discussion will devolve quickly.

I will say I didn’t apply for any pandemic relief or take unemployment. My business was decimated. I had 5 figures of speaking events lined up for 2020, more than I’d ever managed, and those went down the toilet. I’ve never excelled at convincing folks to buy my books online, but I can freaking move them in person. So that dried up. I had the receipts to prove I lost everything, and I still didn’t apply for money because we were ok. We are not wealthy. Not even close. But we had what we needed. So I left money for others who needed it more.

It made me sick to learn about all the people who took gobs of money and didn’t need it, who defrauded our government and us taxpayers. This lack of ethics, this base venality, is a big part of what’s wrong with America.

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