Jul 24Liked by Andra Watkins

Pardon me for being uncouth and forward but if JD Vance wants to track my cycle, maybe I should start packing up my used hygiene supplies and shipping them directly to his house. I thank myself every day for getting an IUD last year when this crap started heating up so I’m good to go for the next 9 years.

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I think a bunch of Gen Z'ers sent used tampons to the Heritage Foundation HQ in DC recently. After Kevin "if you resist, we will kill you" Roberts made his big fascist statement. I'm glad you got an IUD.

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Jul 25Liked by Andra Watkins

Yes they did. Hahaha

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Jul 25Liked by Andra Watkins

Send to The Heritage Foundation


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Jul 24Liked by Andra Watkins

Everything you write is truly frightening and disgusting! All these damn Christian hypocrites---where do they get off imposing their religion on the rest of us? Anyone who puts the Bible above the Constitution does not believe in the ideals that make America exceptional. I just never realized there were so many people like that in this country.

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I explain their rationale for forcing everyone to live by their faith in this newsletter: https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/what-is-a-christian-nationalist?utm_source=publication-search

Over 100 members of the US Congress are Christian Nationalists. That we know of. Dominionist Christian Nationalists try to keep it hidden until they capture whatever mountaintop they targeted. So there may be many more.

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I trust the constitution more than the Bible.

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Me too.

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Jul 24Liked by Andra Watkins

“Alternative options to abortion, especially adoption, should receive federal and state support. In summary, the next President has a moral responsibility to lead the nation in restoring a culture of life in America again.”

My local GOP Exec Comm said adoption was the “humane compromise” for rape. Adoption should not even be in this discussion. I often share my published response letter to the GOP stance as a pro-choice adoptee. My WWII vet mom adopted four children, one from foster care. She was also pro-choice.Thanks for listening….

Members of the local Republican Executive Committee would have you believe adoption is the “humane compromise” for a woman or child who becomes pregnant as the result of rape or incest.

A woman or child who faces such a traumatic, forced pregnancy may have the option to: 1)carry the pregnancy to term, or,2) have a medical procedure to terminate the pregnancy. Some may have absolutely no say in the decision,including those who have been human-trafficked.

A fetus cannot be adopted. Adoption is an option only once there is a living child. If a person carries a pregnancy to term, even if this decision was not freely chosen, the decision is to :1)parent the child, or,2) relinquish the child for adoption.

Many birth mothers who suffer the life-long trauma of relinquishment,as well as adoptees, should not be used as political pawns.

And please stop telling adoptees they should be grateful they weren’t aborted. This “pro-life” gaslighting only serves to promote a false equivalence.

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And of course, they're setting it up so that only Christian Nationalist parents can adopt. So they can indoctrinate another generation in their bullshit dogma.

It is insulting to tell adoptees that. As well as to make people carry pregnancies they don't want for any reason whatsoever.

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Jul 25Liked by Andra Watkins

Perfectly said.....

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Jul 24Liked by Andra Watkins

I hope folks are feeling energized now and are ready to act. When Biden was running, some people said “It’s hopeless, Trump will win.” And now they’re saying “Kamala is raising so much money, I don’t need to do anything.” Don’t be lazy and passive, as so many people are. The stakes are too high. I’ve looked at many groups/sites and these are what I think are most effective:

There's an organization, Focus4Democracy, a group of very smart people with decades of experience crafting effective campaign messages. They do a zoom every 2 weeks. The next one is Sunday, July 28 @ 8:00 pm EST. Register at bit.ly/F4D28July . Their Zooms are fascinating, they explain how they test and refine messages that generate more Democratic votes, particularly in battleground states. And they track the results. They need donations. But those who can't donate, you can forward Focus4Democracy's info to everyone you know.

Downballot races matter too. – State Congress, governors - and judges are sometimes elected. States are particularly important in protecting abortion rights and voter rights if Trump is re-elected. Visit app.oath.vote - they identify the most crucial races where your donations can make a difference. We can only vote where we live, but we can donate money nationwide - and we can also email our friends around the country.

Folks, if you don’t have time to get involved, pls. forward this message to 5 or 10 people you know. This country’s future hangs in the balance.

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Thanks for diligently sharing these resources, Jan. You are a gift to us.

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Jul 24Liked by Andra Watkins

More proof that Project 2025 is happening NOW.

“A former county clerk from Eastern Kentucky is appealing a verdict that found her liable for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Kim Davis was ordered to pay more than $360,000 to the plaintiffs and their attorneys. Her attorney argued the judgment in Ermold v. Davis was not supported by evidence, but a federal judge disagreed, ruling that David Ermold and David Moore provided sufficient evidence of emotional distress.

The former Rowan County clerk is represented by Liberty Counsel, a conservative legal group. Attorney Daniel Schmid filed a brief Monday with the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, requesting the verdict be overturned.”

This case has the potential to overturn Obergefell vs. Hodges. Take a look at the Liberty Counsel(based in Orlando,Fl) doctrinal statement.


Just one gem:

9. The return of Christ for all believers is imminent. Those who are not saved will be forever separated from God in hell.


Just ordered my Stop Project 2025 t !


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These fucking people. Of course they are. What a convenient place to file, too.

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Jul 25Liked by Andra Watkins

This could be a test case up to SCOTUS.....they have said Obergefell was on table for repeal.

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I think I read somewhere that it IS their test case for SCOTUS. Because of course it is.

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Jul 24Liked by Andra Watkins

Thank you Andra for your constant hard work. Most of us wouldn’t know anything until it was too late without you.

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I'm glad you're here, Deborah.

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Jul 24Liked by Andra Watkins

This never ends. As soon as one ploy gets shot down 2 more pop up. I guess we are lucky they are finally showing themselves so we know who we are fighting now.

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It will get worse before it gets better, but I have hope it will get better.

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Jul 27Liked by Andra Watkins

This is really horrifying stuff. We must vote blue in November. His is a form of Christianity I was never exposed to. It’s repulsive.

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His is Opus Dei Catholicism, but both Catholic and Protestant Christian Nationalists use the same tropes.

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Jul 29Liked by Andra Watkins

The Opus Dei folks are supposed to be very creepy. Isn’t Bill Barr Opus Dei? Also, is there a blurb you would like us to use when we introduce you next week at Seniors Taking Action ? Would you like a short blurb from us that tells you about what we do?

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Bill Barr is not technically a member of Opus Dei according to this article. But he has been on the board of the Catholic Information Center, which is the front for Opus Dei. https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/william-barr-notre-dame-secularism/

You can use my About Andra Watkins language here: https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/about

And yes, please send a short blurb about what you do. Do you have my email address? I don't want to put it in a public comment.

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Jul 29Liked by Andra Watkins

Thanks for this. I don’t believe I have your email😊🙏

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Jul 24Liked by Andra Watkins

Andra, once again slightly off topic, but I wanted you to be aware of this fellow escapee from the religious Patriarchy.


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Yeah. I think this was one of the memoirs acquisitions editors cited as too similar to what I pitched last year and already in production. I’m very pleased that book didn’t go anywhere. Her interview felt very familiar.

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Andra - You might be interested in the 'Ella' project which applies AI to decipher Project 2025 and let people ask questions in plain English about how Project 2025 will affect them. Not as good as you, but Ella is pretty good and decoding their doublespeak to explain what the Christian extremists really mean.

AI Decodes Project 2025 To Expose Its Real Intent


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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Author

Thanks, Deepak. I'm sure it will be helpful for readers.

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