Apr 2Liked by Andra Watkins

I live in a blue state in a town that is diverse. Despite this, I have started paying more attention to the school board elections. This last one had a couple of doozies running for seats. One candidate said she was for "all students." What she really meant was elevating the concerns of parents who had issues with DEI and CRT. The bigger idiot was this man who made a fuss of having an engineering degree, as if this set him on a higher plane than the rest of us non-engineers. Well, this fool had a problem with kids receiving sex ed with the proper names of body parts. He wanted it to stop. I am happy to say neither of these candidates won a seat. Make sure you're voting in every election, even the ones you think are too small, or you think you live somewhere reliably blue. These people are encroaching on us in small increments, via the smaller elections.

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These grassroots efforts are one of their biggest strategic tactics. Because they think people don't pay attention to smaller elections. PAY ATTENTION TO EVERY ELECTION. VOTE IN EVERY ELECTION. Right now, every election is vital to stop Christo-fascism.

I'm glad the voters in your area saw through these two, Jen.

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Democrats need to be direct marketing to librarians, teachers and other educational professionals on behalf of Joe Biden. It’s easy and fairly inexpensive to rent a mailing list of this target market to reach these people. You can get names from any region of the country and from multiple sources.

The object is to take copy regarding education and the Department of Education directly from Project 2025 and add explanations. Of course, the solution is to Vote Blue. The vast majority should be receptive to learning how to stop the crazed right-wingers and Evangelicals and probably unaware of these plans that the want to implement even when Trump loses.

I’ve been searching magazines and the Web for any pro-democracy information against Project 2025. The vast majority of publications have a highly politicized audience as are the magazines. Op-ed and summaries online would only be found if you were directly searching for “Project 25. That means there are millions of people who are totally uninformed or still need convincing.

That means a large number of people who would be directly affected by the Nazi plan DON’T KNOW what’s around the corner waiting for them.

Direct mail marketing could be customized for various target groups such as those interested in climate change or the members of animal preservation or forest preservation groups. Project 2025 is a very comprehensive integrated reformation plan so just about any group could be targeted.

Unless you’re a hermit, you’ll find your name on some targeted list. That’s how many companies make money by selling your information.


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I have messaged multiple people in different Democrat offices. I hope they are taking this seriously, because we absolutely cannot rely on our media to educate people about Project 2025. I'm working on newsletters for next week that give readers here Project 2025 talking points. So many Americans HAVE heard of it. They don't realize they have because the right correlations haven't been drawn, the right connections haven't been made. I want readers here to have those tools.

But yes, the Democrat party needs to be messaging the hell out of this.

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Great. In my marketing opinion, this should have a good result as the marketing letter/card specific to their interests. The generic messages tend to be ignored.

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Apr 3Liked by Andra Watkins

God, greed, grifting and guns. The 4G's of Republican Party. I don't know how you survived from this upbringing. I had crazy, but no on religion. Florida has been the test case on these policies. Besty dickhead DeVos was involved with formulating those Florida policies. How far can they go? The money being pumped in Florida by these alt-right Billionaires is insane. Actually in all these red states.

Yesterday, I was buying groceries and I bought a lottery ticket. I was joking with the cashier what we were going to buy with our winnings. I said I would buy some politicians and a couple of judges. This fat fuck man said I should build a border wall. I said, I will spend it on Domestic Abuse centers for women and children suffering from abuse from knuckle dragging Neanderthals. He just looked at me.

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Apr 3Liked by Andra Watkins

Not only should the federal government never turn over all tax dollars to let States teach however they want - I think the federal government should take over all educational management, finances and curriculum from every single state- in other words, do everything opposite of project 2025. Americans United is fighting back against the Catholic High School in Oklahoma. I'm sure the Catholics and Vatican City see massive dollar signs in the US since Carson v Makin. That shitty ruling needs to be overturned.

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All Christian nationalist outfits see dollar signs. That’s the biggest point for them. If they win, they will give themselves a huge payday and subjugate the rest of us.

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Apr 3Liked by Andra Watkins

So they will turn us into Afghanistan except instead of the Quran it will be the Bible.

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Plenty of people say that is extreme, that we could never turn into Afghanistan. But I disagree. The US is actively oppressing and subjugating women. The federal government is hardly doing anything to stand up to it. Women who use their voices are constantly berated and threatened and belittled. The ingredients are there.

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Apr 3Liked by Andra Watkins

Well we can't rely on Merrick to do anything, he is completely fucking useless and should have already been fired, in fact not even hired. Part of me thinks the government feels this will all blow over and that's why they are not engaging in it. Like if they don't talk about it or engage in it it will just go away...... like letting your kid cry it out at night when you put them to bed. They have unfortunately forgotten the motto: silence is acceptance. I think too many people are in denial. I give Kamala credit for all she is doing with her repro tour and her visit to an abortion clinic. I can only hope that Biden will have some very poignant and directive political ad campaigns.

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I sense a lot of “this is all blowhardery and it will pass,” but I don’t agree. If they lose, they are declaring war. The base is being primed for this. The rest of America can pretend it isn’t happening, but ignoring it will make it worse.

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Apr 3Liked by Andra Watkins

Garland is a Republican and member of the Federalist Society. He's so goddamn worried about his own image. Who's he protecting? Not us. He's a failure. Maybe there's a reason he's not on the Supreme Court. He would of fallen in line with the rest of his Federalist buddies. He'd rather be liked than right.

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Technically He's listed as an independent

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