Mar 20Liked by Andra Watkins

It should be noted that the GOP bears a lot of the blame for failures at the CDC because they were responsible for starving it of funding and it had been chronically understaffed for years before the pandemic. Also the head of the CDC is a political appointee and trump's appointed head Robert Redfield's research career was already somewhat controversial before the appointment. The "arrogance and incompetence" they cite occurred under his watch when the trump administration interfered and and scientists were overruled and silenced. This is so typical of the GOP: Do everything they can to sabotage something, then cite the problems THEY caused as proof that the law or program is a failure.

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My husband (a public employee) talks about this a lot. The border is another example. Fail to fund it, then blame everyone but themselves for failures. The GOP starves all government of funding so they can say, “Look! Government is abominable!”

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Mar 20Liked by Andra Watkins

That's the tactic. It's an insurgency, not a political party in a democratic system of government. The question is will Americans be deceived into voting for their revolution.

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Mar 21Liked by Andra Watkins

The Conservatives complain about the lockdowns. I don't know if it's plain ignorance or willful ignorance but the lockdowns were for the overburdened healthcare system around the country. If people are not gathering, transmission is reduced, it is not about preventing people from attending services.

Trump and Kushner mishandled this from the get go. When my state, NJ, needed vents, Gov. Phil Murphy had to go to Trump cap in hand and ask for vents, as if Trump was some sort of war lord sitting on his spoils. I would hate to see how Christian Nationalist regime would handle a pandemic.

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For churches, it became about money. People don’t give as much money when they attend church online. Once these pastors’ pocketbooks started getting squeezed, they defied no-gathering orders.

As to how a Project 2025-driven Republican regime would handle a pandemic (or anything), it will be all about red-versus-blue states. Blue states will get no help during emergencies of any kind unless they give up blue policies. I’m writing more about that language in today’s post.

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Mar 20Liked by Andra Watkins

Page 453 section in your article - - absolutely unbelievable, everyday when I read the inner workings of the Christian Taliban mind, it's truly hideous. These are not people that value life, so why do they care so much about what I do with my body? Don't answer it's rhetorical.

they are essentially doing a cost / risk /benefit analysis on future pandemics, who should die versus who should live, but mostly they're just pissed ( as per page 453) that their churches got shut down during covid..... and they are so blatant about it in their Manifesto , they don't even try to hide it. If you truly have a good product to sell, you don't need a damn church and it won't matter if the church doors are closed, point is they don't have a good product to sell- they want asses in the pews so they can dictate from the pulpit and demand money, they are all grifters. Not just the churches but every conservative organization who wants to ruin democracy.

they say "finding the proper balance of lives saved versus souls saved"...... Lol...... that's just another way of saying certain people deserve to live and others simply just deserve to die. Those that don't attend church deserve to die, who cares about us. I was able to save my own soul without going to church not even one time in the last 25 years. Isn't that amazing?

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That particular sentence got multiple highlights, underlines, and exclamation points during my initial read. I think it was one of several places I actually yelled loudly enough to scare my husband. Because damn. The arrogance. Roger Severino is a complete asshole.

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Apr 2Liked by Andra Watkins

Julie Duggan, we definitely think alike. I was indoctrinated into religion as a child, Lutheran. As I became an adult I dfrfted away from church attendance. I think I was in my late 40s before I actually started asking myself if I really believed that stuff & then in my 60s realized that no, I don’t believe it & that it’s okay to say that out loud.

For a long time, if I was visiting family who are, & they asked me to go to church with them, I would; but not anymore. I’m taking a stand against religion, especially after the past 9 years of Trump & his Christian supporters with all the lies, hate, intolerance they’ve shown; no thank you. I’m not setting foot inside a church ever again & I’m leaving instructions that there will be no religious service for me when I die!

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Apr 2Liked by Andra Watkins

Exactly. 👍

Many ears ago I specifically shared my memorial wishes with my mom and husband - - - absolutely NO religion, no bible, no gospels, no hymns, no clergy, no priest, no pastor..... Zippo!!! I want my body donated to science, they can practice surgeries on me. Lol. While I have a body, I'm NOT my body.....its just a vehicle to get me around on earth plane in our 3D world.

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Mar 20Liked by Andra Watkins

It's completely outrageous that the Christian Taliban thinks they could have managed covid better...... absolutely not, 100% fuck no. They would still required us to go into the office every day..... they would have never strongly encouraged Corporate America to move to a remote work model.......... literally the US would have seen thousands and thousands of new cases every week under religious Taliban rule.

Absolutely no Administration would have had all the answers, for a dramatic pandemic situation like this that we have never faced here in the US.

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Well, they were in charge during most of the fuckups. Their people made the decisions Project 2025 now decries. Americans should never forget that.

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Mar 20Liked by Andra Watkins

Yeah I think rump roast said we should inject bleach into our system.....

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Mar 21Liked by Andra Watkins

We are the collateral damage of bad corrupted politicians and judges. They don't care if our loved ones are sprayed with bullets. They didn't care who died as result of the Pandemic. They don't care if you can't pay your medical bills...pull the plug. Privatize it all, so they can own our ass. We have GQP politicians calling for the killings of Marxist Leftist Democrats. They want women to die. Misogyny kills a woman every 6 seconds in the real world.

The Chattel Project is a death sentence to democracy and those who support democracy. It's the death rattle that needs to be heard around the world. Prolife means 'GQP's pro-my-life. Fuck yours'.

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The billionaire donor class owns these politicians and judges. Those greedy assholes only care about pillaging everything to mainline money into their already bulging portfolios. It never ceases to amaze me how many people vote against their own best interests. Or how they don't even understand how things work. I got into an argument with someone on the far-right over health insurance. They wanted the ACA to be repealed because, and I quote, "I don't want the government deciding anything about my healthcare." This person was on Medicare. MEDICARE.

As for the calls to kill Democrats, plenty of the most radicalized will do it if given cover.

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Andra are you in any of the MD, Med groups here? I would drop this in some feeds. This article is important.

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I didn’t realize Substack had groups like that. Thank you for telling me. Looking into them and doing this today.

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Mar 21Liked by Andra Watkins

It's absolutely fucking insanity when voters are completely clueless. When union members vote Republican. I read 51% of the population's education ends at the 6th grade level. And it shows. It doesn't help that so many people are so fucking dumb. Bless their hearts. 😂

I had a old friend that shrieked to me from her rabbit hole, everyone is picking on Agent Orange. I banged my fist on the table and got up and left. What the fuck! This is exhausting!

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I recommended this book to someone else recently. You might enjoy it. He devotes a section to why white union members vote against their interests, but a lot of the data is fascinating.


I also think people are generally too distracted by garbage news. (And who produces the most garbage news? Murdoch et al) Take the Princess of Wales photo-gate story. I mean, I hope she's okay because she's a human being. But I just don't care what's going on with the British royal family. I don't get why so many Americans spend hours and hours and hours in conspiracy theory chatrooms pouring over meaningless stuff like this when our country is literally burning.

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Mar 21Liked by Andra Watkins

Thanks. I'll check that out.

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Apr 3Liked by Andra Watkins

I agree, that Princess stuff was just dumb!! Poring over a photo with a dang magnifying glass trying to find errors, just silly when, as you said our country is burning down.

The woman had just had surgery, leave her the heck alone!!

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