Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

" the demonic climate change movement"... as Mike Johnson said. Let's all pray.

Like you said these Christian radicals are more than happy to hand over our tax dollars to Oil and Gas.

I used to not believe in climate change either, roughly 20 years ago..... But after reading, gathering facts, practicing critical thinking, visually seeing the before and after pictures around the world of how we've robbed and ruined Earth....... how Corporate America steals and pollutes with impunity...... it is so fucking obvious that we are creating this problem, humans are always the problem.

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Demonic. There’s one of their fave words again. Sigh.

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

That's code for non-thinkers. I live in a small aging MAGAQ town (actually I live on 10 acres in the country in a 150yr old farmhouse) they are fighting spiritual warfare daily. We have 8 churches, 3 bars, 2 liquor stores and no stop lights. No clouded judgment here. 🤣

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Oh yes. Spiritual warfare is everywhere. Sigh. I remember those days. (Your farmhouse sounds lovely, though.)

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

Thank you. We bought it 14 yrs ago. Everything in it is original. Even the windows. Oh my! We replaced those. We just finished the kitchen. Squirrels moved into the kitchen. I have 20 black walnut trees. It sounded like spring break in Cancun in my ceiling. When we opened it up, we took out bags of nuts. My husband will die with a chalking gun in his hand. Keeping it in its original format. I love it.

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

Yes, and resource extraction is not wealth creation. Wealth creation means adding value, getting more out of the same amount of stuff. When 'making money' is aligned with wealth creation, it's a system that works. But there are all too many other ways to 'make money' that are really just stealing. And environmental destruction is stealing, stealing from future generations.

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But they don’t care, because they’ll be dead and in their mansions in glory, or they will have blasted themselves into space, or they will go to their Atlas Shrugged-esque bunkers and lock the rest of us out.

It appalls me that such selfishness and greed has been embraced by people claiming the mantle of faith. Nothing new there, but disappointing all the same.

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

Yes appalling. Is there nothing from the bible that can be used as a counter argument against their beliefs?

Understood that trying to argue back and forth using bible verses as a circular debate.

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They believe anyone who interprets the Bible differently than they do is “wrong.” Because their interpretation is “the Truth.” So that is pointless. They are schooled by their dictator-pastors to only listen to them and those they endorse.

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Feb 15Liked by Andra Watkins

Scarey shit!!!

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Feb 15Liked by Andra Watkins

Off topic, but does Project 2025 talk about enforcement of the Insurrection Act? If so that would be good article.

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Feb 15·edited Mar 11Author

45 has talked about this repeatedly. Jeff Clark, one of Project 2025’s authors, is a fan. I have no doubt they’d do this. I will note this question and drill back into the document.

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

Well said.....

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

Thank you for doing this. I've read the first 600 pages. I get really upset reading it and I have to take a break. It is completely nonsensical that they would gut something that keeps us safe and informed. Even more due to their fake climate change. What the hell I'm I taking about. It's the fucking money.

When I started reading this everything that has come to fruition by the Republicans, this seems to have been the plan all along. This is their crowning achievement. To gut the United States Government. And replace it with everything laid out in Project 2025. Billionaires run the show and politicians are paid to support the Billionaires.

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And of course it is about more money for billionaires who don’t need it and more power.

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Yes, gutting the federal government has been their plan for decades. Ever since the IRS took away Bob Jones University’s tax-exempt status for refusing to admit Black students. That was the trigger for them to look for an issue that resonated, and they joined up with Catholics to oppose abortion. Every generation became more indoctrinated, more radicalized, more extreme. And here we are.

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

American Oligarchs.....

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

Mother Jones series on American Oligarchs was eye opening. A commentor told me to check it out. It appears we are under the ownership of China, Russia and Saudi Arabia. Billionaires will sell anything for a profit. We have the power to ease another's suffering. However, the wealthy say, fuck people. We stick to our bootstraps mentality.

They do like to help when they can get all the credit for it and slap their useless names on buildings. Fucktards!

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

Yes, they would sell their Grandma for a profit.

We can lessen the risk by moving to clean energy, getting off fossil fuels and away from Saudi.... and start near shoring manufacturing away from China. Mitigate Russia by helping Ukraine and someone other than Putin to get elected, but I am convinced all elections in Russia are rigged.

Of course I'm just preaching stuff that the evil ones already know but refuse to do.

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

I knew I saw that article somewhere, I was looking for it on substack..... Yep, that's right I saw it on Mother Jones via Facebook, thank you for the reminder.

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

Hahaha. Oh this is a good one. 'Harmful to future U.S. prosperity'. 'Private sector'. What's 'harmful to future U.S. prosperity' is IGNORING climate change. And what the 'private sector' is doing is they are not providing insurance for property in Florida (California too, it's not a political thing) or at least not providing it at anything close to rates residents consider affordable. Because unlike the government they have to put their money where their mouth is. No amount of conservative playing pretend can make up for damages inflicted in real dollars on real property when nature attacks.

That's the thing about all of the conservative nonsense. When the facts say otherwise, behavior, and money, follow the facts. They don't like this. They can pass laws governing behavior, and they can pass laws affecting where money goes. What you can't do, or at least no one has figured out how to do, is force rich people to take huge losses. They will insist that the losses fall on the taxpayer instead, and because they have the wealth, they have the power. So the private sector will not cooperate unless they are guaranteed profit regardless of what reality does. Which means the government will be on the hook for everything.

That's why the price of playing pretend is everywhere and always fiscal and economic disaster. Self-interest is supposed to prevent this. If the rich really think they have a way to destroy both the U.S. and global economies and still come out ahead, then we really are in terrible shape.

The social agenda of Project 2025 is anathema to all notions of human dignity. But the economic agenda is super fucked too. There are legitimate issues to be made with Democrats and progressives on economic matters. But the Republicans are worse. Which I guess is what happens when you try to put all the uneducated people in one party, and give them a 'businessman' leader who never created an ounce of wealth in his life. (I wish there was a mushroom cloud emoji but I'm not seeing one).

But then back to your original point in this series, what kind of economic planning can we expect from people who think these are the end times?

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The economic policies proposed by Project 2025 are dreadful. Tax policies, too. Unfortunately, most Americans don’t understand how our economy works. They think good economy = I can buy shit I want and pay for shit I need; bad economy = oh no, I can’t buy shit I want and I struggle to pay for shit I need.

You’d think non-stop business “reporting” as news for decades would have taught Americans basic economics, but no. Instead, Americans thought watching CNN Business = learning about economics. Our business reporting sector has failed Americans miserably, most owned by billionaires determined to keep people distracted and dumb.

I don’t know what to say to their willingness to wreck the global economy either, though that is clearly what will happen with Project 2025. It is really one of the most horrifying things I’ve ever read. I can’t say that enough and wish more people cared. We don’t want to learn from our mistakes with this one.

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

Yes. It is possible for progressives to play pretend and create economic disaster too (history is full of examples), but these Republican plans take the cake. Tariffs and trade wars, no immigration, keeping women out of the labor force. I think a lot of it is the sense of security they get from nationalism outweighs the actual material impoverishment, but I don't know how much of it is also billionaires trying to figure out more new ways to rig the system. It gets back to the same question that always comes up: to what extent do they really believe this, and to what extent are they fucking with us.

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Humans suffer from delusion. “Yes, this has failed over and over and over for recorded history, but somehow because it’s us, because it’s our plan, we will get a different outcome.”

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

Yes. Exactly that. 🤦 I try to call it out when our side does it too. Mostly because I don't want to be like them.

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