One of the things that has been accomplished, thanks to the Supreme Court, is enabling cops to arrest the homeless.

So they can get rounded up and put in these labor camps and rented out to private employers for next to nothing.

So major industries can fire their workers, and replace them with cheap detained labor, who will basically be Krupp's sklavenarbeiter of World War II.

The fired workers, being broke, will soon find their homes foreclosed, and be evicted from their rented apartments.

Which puts them and their families on the street, being homeless.

So they get jailed for that and put in detention camps indefinitely.

And their former employers rent them back from the government at pennies on the dollar.

So they do their old jobs as sklavenarbeiter.


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And they're out to criminalize addiction next. Even though one of the biggest causes of addiction is the unholy alliance of an obscenely wealthy pharmaceutical family and healthcare (oxycontin).

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That certainly adds to the labor pool.

And the drug dealers and addicts in these camps can add to an illegal but profitable side industry that fills these sklaven with “uppers” to keep them working until they keel over from the after-effects with heart attacks and die.

Saves costs. And they bring in the next job applicants, like in the sweatshops.

Next up: pay the workers in company scrip, redeemable for goods and services at the company store, with deductions for the cost of your company equipment, company housing, company doctor, company coal for the electrical power in the company housing….

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It isn't like this model hasn't been done before...

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As humanity has lived in dictatorships, slavery, and ruthless exploitation more than it has lived under democracy and freedom, that is quite right.

I think people prefer the “strong man at the helm who makes the trains run on time” to democracy.

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I don't think many Americans who are clamoring for it will like what they get. I hope we don't find out.

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Hitler was extremely popular in Germany until he started World War II, as I’ve written.

His declaration of war was greeted with fear and apathy, as most Germans remembered, with utter clarity the defeat and privations of the Great War.

After conquering France, Hitler was more popular again, but then, after Alamein, Stalingrad, and the Allied bombings of Nazi cities, German morale fell precipitously…particularly after British and American troops forced Germans to walk into the freshly-liberated concentration camps, to see what their tax Reichmarks had gone to.

Of course, after V-E Day, Germany had no Nazis…..

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Jul 13Liked by Andra Watkins

The fact that everything points to slavery is such a mind fuck when you start looking at that a little deeper. All these things in P2025 are deplorable and horrendous and it is baffling how so many of them point to what I see as a fundamental feature of the people who are champions of its ethos : They are inherently, spiritually, cognitively, intellectually, fundamentally LAZY. The "no one wants to work anymore" group, doesn't want to do ANY work and they don't want their progeny to have to do any work ever again either.

They need a pool of disempowered women to be everyone's slave mommies for life.

They need umpteen mechanisms to create infinite slave labor pools so they don't have to lift a finger.

Even though they've determined they are so superior and should be in charge of everyone and everything, they can't imagine burning any calories on the brain power required to be in charge.

They need laws that never change so they don't have to think about changing them.

They need a power structure that requires the least effort for maintenance so they don't have to maintain it (HaVe An elECtion where EVERYONE votes? SoUnds exHAusting).

They need to rely on ancient ideas that already exist so they don't have to think of new ones.

They are unable to perceive any version or view of the world beyond their own white dicks so they need all the people who might identify any problems or questions they don't personally experience or understand to just go away. That way they don't ever have to think too hard or run the risk of experiencing an emotion like regret, compassion, or empathy, all of which are taxing for anyone who is familiar with experiencing them on a regular basis.

It is absolutely maddening.

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It’s the neo-Confederacy. For sure.

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Jul 12Liked by Andra Watkins

Thanks. Smart analysis. I agree with conclusion. Appreciate you.

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Definitely not a fun newsletter to write. But it's important to help readers make these connections, because they're not hyperbolic.

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Jul 12Liked by Andra Watkins

The Republican Governors Association was the biggest donor in DeSantis ‘22 re-election campaign.

Where does RGA get its 💲… .large amount comes from private prisons like the GEO Group.

Florida=Most important state in the country for the GEO Group.

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Private prisons are big money. And they're salivating at the prospect of a dictator who will throw so many more people in prison. May they burn in hell.

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Jul 12Liked by Andra Watkins

What’s in Trump’s Project 2025? Chat with this WhatsApp Bot! It responds with links to Andra's wonderful blog and other relevant Project 2025 sites.


#Project2025 #stopthecoup2025 #whatsapp #chatbots

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I've been playing with it today, and it's awesome.

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Jul 13Liked by Andra Watkins

There is a fifth group From which an authoritarian government can obtain free or cheap labor. Conscripted citizens. Forced labo

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Jul 12Liked by Andra Watkins

The homeless, undocumented workers and the poor are all in danger. It combines the 13th Amendment for Slave Prison Labor, Project 2025 and the Prison Industrial Complex that donates to Republicans. Follow the money:

Texas Hold’Em: Follow the money Republicans make from prison labor and cruelty to refugees


MAGA Supreme Court Revives Slavery: Could You Be Enslaved?


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Excellent info, Deepak. Thanks for posting it here.

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Jul 14Liked by Andra Watkins

People are so flummoxed by the shooting that I fear some of us may lose our momentum. There are STILL actions we can take to reduce the odds of the GOP turning our country into an autocracy. We have no control over whether Biden steps aside. And even if Trump wins, getting Democrats in the “lower” offices still matters.

Focus for Democracy identifies organizations that have shown themselves, through rigorous testing, to be extremely effective at generating Democratic votes in swing states. Given that we are all bombarded with fundraising requests, Focus for Democracy helps us decide where to put our money and time. I’ve spent a lot of time looking for where I can effectively contribute - and this is it!

The next Focus4Democracy zoom is Tuesday July 16 @ 8:00 – register at bit.ly/F4D16July They do a ZOOM every 2 weeks. Get on their list and they’ll notify you of future Zooms.

If you can’t donate, pls. send F4D’s info to as many people as you can and urge them to spread the word.

Don’t forget other elective offices. If people are discouraged due to the Biden situation, they may not bother to vote – that would mean a lot of Democrats won’t get voted into Congressional and governors offices. (Remember that judges are sometimes elected, too.) Pls visit app.oath.vote - they identify the most crucial races where your donations can make a difference. We can only vote where we live, but we can donate money, and also email our friends around the country to let them know.

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Jan, I hear you. I've been posting the same thing today. DO NOT lose focus. DO NOT take our foot off the gas. I'm saying the same thing in my newsletter tomorrow.

I also recommend that EVERYONE send Ruth Ben-Ghiat's newsletter from today to everyone you know: https://substack.com/home/post/p-146595881


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Jul 14Liked by Andra Watkins

Good to hear from you Andra. I was at a party in my neighborhood last night and tried to talk politics to some people. I was pleasantly surprised that a few were willing to converse with me and take action (I'd actually printed the web addresses I'm always posting on Substack and brought a bunch of little cards in my purse to hand out!) One man initially said, in a kind way, "This is a party - maybe not the right time for politics?" I replied "I can't think of a better time, and nothing else matters now." My neighborhood is predominantly gay so I'd expect those folks would be especially concerned. I do get the feeling though that some people are in a state of learned helplessness.

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I was at a party today and had to repeatedly say, "Stop watching the news." But we CAN set the tone of these conversations. And you're right. You were in the perfect environment to help people who will be decimated by P2025 understand what it means for them. You did well. You're doing well. Keep doing what you're doing. And keep helping everyone understand how to get involved.

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Jul 14Liked by Andra Watkins

Weeks ago I spent a lot of time panic-scrolling the news and posting my rants on Washington Post articles. Me and 8,000 other WaPo readers were angrily commenting on the Alitos on the same article. Then it dawned on me - this time should be spent TAKING ACTION and urging others to TAKE ACTION. Though I do still follow the news, I no longer do it repetitively. I've totally changed how I spend my time. You, Andra, are my sister-in-arms (as it were, lol).

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I'm honored to be in this fight alongside you, Jan.

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