Jul 6Liked by Andra Watkins

Between the LDS and Scientology, together they have more assets than any other entity in this country. LDS has over $238 billion dollars in land, off shore shell accounts, and other assets. Religion is a grifters paradise. They say give me your money and wait for your rewards in heaven. And people buy that load of shit. Gaslighting anyone!!??

Oh, and I wanted to mention that the documentary was about Paul Weyrich. The man who started this whole movement. Well, Christian Nationalism really kicked ass after the Civil War. The KKK was and is Christian Nationalism. He just modernized it. The 1980 version.

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And of course, we have the wealth of the Catholic Church. I can’t go into a cathedral now without seeing it as theocratic grift and gaslighting.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Andra Watkins

I know, right! I actually had a book burning in my back yard. My husband's employer gave his staff 'Focus On The Family' books for Christmas every year. I kept them on the bottom shelves. One day I'm looking at my bookshelves filled with history books and other great reads. Then I look at the 20 plus hardcover religious books. If I died and somebody saw this they would think I was batshit fucking crazy. I burned them, then no one else would be indoctrinated with this bullshit.

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Ugh James Dobson. Ugh ugh ugh.

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Jul 6Liked by Andra Watkins

One thing to keep in mind is trump’s vast ignorance, laziness, and lack of interest in details. He actually may not understand what’s in Project 2025 and is unlikely to have read it - it’s well established that he doesn’t read. He’s an empty suit - or golden calf - with no real values who reflects his MAGA worshippers’ own values back at them. All he really cares about is delivering applause lines. If someone tells him that Project 2025 or abortion bans will lose him votes, he’ll downplay or repudiate them on the campaign trail. But, once in office, he’ll let these guys implement these policies and sign whatever they tell him to.

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He already knows which executive orders he’s signing on Inauguration Day, because they’re already written. They’ll give him his bloody retribution fantasy in exchange for 100 signatures on dotted lines. He may not care about the details, but he knows what he’s signing. He gives it away when he talks about these issues, only to shape-shift when he’s a little too candid (yes, women should have consequences for abortions for example) and realizes he showed their hand.

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Of course he knows the basics of P2025!! He knows it’s going to give him massively expanded Executive power & that’s the only part he truly cares about. If he didn’t instinctively know that many of, if not all, of the things contained in those 900+ pages are very unpopular, I’m sure 1-2 of the brains behind it will have told him.

Now that the MSM has FINALLY started to talk about it, & journalists have begun lobbing questions at Trump about it, someone has told him that he should downplay it & claim ignorance. (of course that’s not difficult)

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And most of the mainstream press is going to let him get away with saying he knows nothing about it and denying its a big deal. While we can't force the mainstream media to talk about it (because they absolutely DO NOT want to talk about it), WE THE PEOPLE can keep talking about it until they look like the negligent fuckers they are for not talking about it.

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What is really negligent, the fact that other than that firecracker, Rep Jasmine Crockett questioning one of the authors of it, I’ve not heard any of our Democrat Reps or Senators talking about it!!

That’s really practically criminal on their part, considering the horrendous damage it would do to this country

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Jarred Huffman and several House Dems have formed a Project 2025 Task force. He has been giving tons of interviews to smaller outlets to talk about Project 2025, which have helped contribute to this spike in awareness. I made a list of the other Democrats on the task force in my post begging for contact info, and I talked with Jamie Raskin. So they are getting ready to make Project 2025 impossible for the mainstream press to ignore.

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Jul 6Liked by Andra Watkins

BRAVA, Andra, for your dedication to getting the facts about Project 2025 out to citizens! That list is worth its weight in gold for informing us about the plans and the people--should I say ASSHOLES--behind them? I myself also survived a narcissistic father's neglect and abuse of all of his 6 kids, and watching the Orange Turd gives me PTSD, reminding me of living in a household ruled by a narcissistic, misogynistic bully. Anything we can do to stop these hubristic little white guys from controlling all the rest of us is worthwhile. Kevin Roberts reminds me of Captain Picard temporarily controlled by the Borg: "Resistance is futile!" Uh, NO, Kev--it's not. We the great majority of citizens who love living in a rich, diverse democratic republic are not going to let you establish the next king of America. The LAST KING OF AMERICA WAS GEORGE III.

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I’m sorry you and I share this narcissist parent abuse. Mine was maternal, but I live in a state of PTSD over our current dynamic, too. It’s even more maddening because we can see it. We know what it is. So many Americans don’t, either because they’re still trapped in relationships with their abusers or they ARE the abusers.

But you are right. We the People can send these goons back into their holes. We’re never going to change them, so we must beat them and beat them and beat them.

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Jul 6Liked by Andra Watkins

YUP! We may have PTSD, but we have lived with the stress of abusers and not only survived but thrived. We have more determination and more sheer guts than these ASSHOLES who want all the power and all the $$$$$$$ this country can offer. Besides that, we are WOMEN and ovaries are better than balls any day of the week! Keep on keepin' on!

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From 2016-2020, I often said it was like being back in the abusive relationship with my narcissistic mother. And you're right about the PTSD!

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Jul 6Liked by Andra Watkins

We're survivors. We have predator radar. We know who they are. Great comments! 👌

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Jul 6Liked by Andra Watkins

One of the consequences of maniacal gaslighting, is gaslighting ourselves. We stop trusting our own thoughts. We stop believing ourselves. We know gaslighting is the #1 tool in the malignant narcissist handbook. I've said this before, we are confronted everyday by psychological terrorism. These people call themselves, the Christian Taliban.

Hey Andra, I watched 'Blind Faith' on Netflix last night. It's good. As a result of your amazing work, I knew exactly what they were talking about. They did bring up Bob Jones and Pat Robertson, meeting in 1978 to come up with a new plan to fight segregation because they lost in court for the ability to keep Bob Jones University segregated. They came up with abortion. Five years after it was legalized. The film discussed that this has nothing to do with the Jesus version of Christianity. The messaging is getting out there.

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I was a child when this happened. I remember when my childhood pastor started preaching against the “liberal” government over the Bob Jones decision. It was 100% about racism and money.

I also remember my childhood pastor going on a mission trip to then-West Germany. He came back with a brand new Mercedes sedan. I thought God would ride in such a gorgeous car.

I didn’t understand car-buying at the time, but he had to pay cash for that car. He had to pay to have it shipped. He paid taxes to bring it into the country.

He didn’t openly drive that car for long. People didn’t readily throw money into the offering buckets (yes, they were buckets, not plates) when their pastor drove a Mercedes.

But a few years later, he brought on a staff pastor with a background in finance who’s still there. I’m not saying he’s done anything illegal, but I believe his congregation would be staggered if they knew the degree of his personal wealth.

He was able to assemble that wealth because of their reaction to Bob Jones decision. The federal government should’ve made these organizations pay taxes then. Instead, the right decided to subjugate and kill women in service to money.

May they all burn in hell.

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Jul 6Liked by Andra Watkins

Trump on Truth Social: “I don’t know anything about Project 2025. I have no idea who’s behind it. I don’t agree with some of the things they say...." Logic 101. If you know nothing about it, how can you disagree with it?

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And journalists should be asking him that precise question. Is it "I don't know about it"? Or "I don't agree with what's in it"? Because not agreeing with some of the things they say means you KNOW some of the things they say, which means you know about it. Are you sure your brain is okay? Do we need to demand a cognitive test?

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Jul 6Liked by Andra Watkins

Agreed and every presidential candidate should be required to pass a physical and cognitive evaluation. In the case of Trump, examination and analysis by a team of mental health professionals would have spared us much as a nation. These requirements should have been added as an amendment to the Constitution long ago.

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If our country survives this, one of the biggest lessons we must learn is that we need major updates to our Constitution. Republicans have also been planning this for decades. Rick Santorum has been working on it for close to 20 years. (I covered this here somewhere ages ago...let me see if I can find a link...https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/does-project-2025-call-for-a-constitutional?utm_source=publication-search)

But We the People need our own Constitutional Convention. Because it needs to be updated to reflect the needs of a multi-racial democracy.

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I get little satisfaction from it, but I watch MSNBC and/or CNN in the morning as I wait for coffee to brew and such. Today was the first time any tie was given to the topic of this stack., on MSNBC. CNN still seems to be glossing it over, accepting the word of Trump as good enough for them.

The information you provided was partly provided on the segment I watched, I was glad for that. But here's a really important point, not yet zeroed in on yet, near as I can tell:

Which MAGA members of the House of Representatives are known affiliates (members, participants, etc.) of The Heritage Foundation? Is that learnable (hint hint)? Kevin Roberts declares they have a second revolution going on, "bloodless unless the left allows it to be". SCOUTUS has done THEIR part, so 6 of the 9 are complicit. How many members of Congress are complicit? How much outright treason is going on here? Geez, as soon as I write it, I sound so much like a "conspiracy theory" fanatic, but I admit it, I really AM paranoid and very, very nervous. I would rather NOT live my remaining years under new laws of the land, or get locked up for my disloyalty....

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Good idea, Peter. Let me see if I can dig into that.

It would be worthwhile for everyone to read the author bios in P2025. I didn't replicate them in this newsletter because it would've been too long.

Here's more info from the P2025 author bios to help you not feel so paranoid or conspiratorial. You are on the right track.

Jonathan Berry clerked for Sam Alito when he was still an appeals judge. He also assisted with Neil Gorsuch's nomination.

Dustin J Carmack (not in the list above) served as Chief of Staff to Congressman John Ratcliffe (TX) and Congressman Ron DeSantis (FL)

Rick Dearborn was Chief of Staff for Jeff Sessions (AL - now out of Congress)

Mandy M Gunasekara served as Majority Counsel for the Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee under Chairman Jim Inhofe (R OK retired 2023)

Bernard L McNamee (not in the above list) worked in policy positions at Energy for Ted Cruz (TX)

I left one person out of the above list, which I will fix. William Perry Pendley headed the Bureau of Land Management for 45. His bio is a bit long, and I missed it.

Brooks D Tucker was Senior Policy Advisor for National Security and Veterans Affairs to Senator Richard Burr (R NC retired 2023)

Russ Vought spent nearly two decades with Republicans on Capitol Hill, including as Policy Director for the House Republican Conference, Executive Director of the Republican Study Committee, and Legislative Assistant to former Senator Phil Gramm

Steven Groves was Chief of Staff for Nikki Haley when she was at the UN

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Boy oh boy, what a tangled web it is. I have forgotten Andrea if I ever asked you if you have listened to the 3 part series “We Don’t Talk About Leonard”

on the podcast On The Media? That man, his multiple orgs, PACs, foundations, etc & his money are tangled up in nearly everything. He is a huge funder of Alliance Defending Freedom, Susan B Anthony, Heritage Foundation & anything anti abortion or super conservative.

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Jul 6Liked by Andra Watkins

Andrea… please provide a concise bullet pointed list of what Project 2025 will do with one or two sentences about the implications, if that is needed for bullet point.

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I have a newsletter coming Monday, with links to content here. I'm going to pin it to the top of the homepage and put it in my welcome new subscriber message once it's live.

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Jul 6Liked by Andra Watkins

Everything he says is a lie. Always.

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And it conditions the abused to shrug and go, “So what. Another lie.” This is a lie he won’t get away with.

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Jul 6Liked by Andra Watkins

Thank you for this!!!

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Jul 7Liked by Andra Watkins

(I have not read through all the comments of all your posts yet, so I apologize if this is a repeat from others)

Along with Project 2025, these guys are hand in hand with everything Project 2025 entails and more. Also filled with former, present and future Trump lackeys. Check it, read it, https://americafirstpolicy.com

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There's also Agenda 47, Project 47 and others. I suspect 45 will try to deflect attention from Project 2025 by scattershot referring to these other plans, but on balance, they're the same plan. Agenda 47 and Project 2025 are very closely aligned, but Agenda 47 is purposely vague where Project 2025 is not. In my view, they are essentially the same document.

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Also coming back to add that Agenda 47 is a tab on 45's campaign website, where they have very cleverly made everyone watch videos of him talking to get the gist of what's there. I don't know that I have it in me to do that, but I will go through the titles and compare them to P2025 proposals. At first glance, they're virtually identical.

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Jul 7Liked by Andra Watkins

I will try to do research on this, too. Just having the names of what to look for or where to look is helpful. You do so much, please take care of yourself.

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Thankfully, I learned how to take care of myself in therapy. Lots of yoga and meditation and naps today. And I just started a new smut novel. 😂

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Jul 8Liked by Andra Watkins

Aaaah, that classic scene from the Wizard of Oz comes to mind:

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"


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Es verdad. :)

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Jul 7Liked by Andra Watkins

Agreed. Start here guide will be helpful to new readers. 🥰👍

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Jul 7Liked by Andra Watkins

Excellent read Andra. Thank you all for your comments. They represent my sentiments!

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I feel sorry for newer readers here, because there's so much content. The comments are always worth reading. I'm posting a "Start Here" guide tomorrow, and I hope that will help newer readers. But here's no way to sound bite our way through this document. That's one of its most genius designs. It's dense and off-putting to read.

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