May 28Liked by Andra Watkins

Check this map for the Public Lands that Trump and Project would target.

Vote for Democrats to protect your Public Lands From Exploitation By Billionaires


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Thank you for another stellar visual, Deepak.

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May 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Hi Andra.

Note that the NYTimes has broken news that Justice Alito has flown a Christian nationalist flag outside his vacation home in NJ.



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Thanks for sharing this link, Kathy. He needs to be impeached.

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May 24Liked by Andra Watkins

Little tidbit from Justice Kagan's dissent to Alito's ruling released today: she turned Alito's wife's flag on its head with her 'upside-down' dig at Alito: xhttps://abovethelaw.com/2024/05/elena-kagan-makes-the-best-possible-dig-at-samuel-alito/

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I'm sure she added it after the first flag was reported. But the reality is while this wordplay appeals to people like you and me, people like him don't care. They don't care how many times they're called out or how many ways they're shamed or how many instances of hypocrisy they display. George Takei tweeted that we'll find out next that the Alitos flew a Confederate flag at their 3rd house because a Black person insulted his wife at Wegman's. It is a disturbing picture of how abnormal our country is that he has done this with no repercussions whatsoever. Roberts' charging him with writing this majority opinion and releasing it yesterday was a deliberate fuck you.

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May 22Liked by Andra Watkins


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