Jul 25Liked by Andra Watkins

So....what about the other drug that messes with 'God's Plan' for reproduction: Viagra! If they truly believe that infertility is part of God's plan, then surely ED is part of Her/His plan as well. Praying for an erection seems like it would be counterproductive, and since porn is off the table....

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They never apply God's curses to men's sexual function. Only to female bodies.

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Thanks for pointing that out. Well, it does seem like there is some guilt associated with being caught fornicating. So, apparently it is only a sin if you get caught, which is how I always felt many people feel about laws too. I have grown up hearing the confessions and begging for forgiveness of all these men in the Evangelical Christian Churches when they were caught and always into things sexually that are forbidden. I read that when the Republican National convention hit Milwaukee the gay Tinder usage went up greatly, so there is a lot of hypocrisy there. That Mike Johnson discusses his pact with his son over use of Porn is disgusting to me. Do we want to know this about them? No one wants to know about this, and is abusive to force this on us. How do they explain a marriage where the family cannot conceive because of the man being infertile? Is that a punishment from God?

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In my experience, talking about miscarriage and infertility isn't done in these communities, BECAUSE of the judgment it brings. I don't know how many CN couples would go so far as to determine the man is the problem, fertility-wise. They'd most likely stop at blaming the woman, even if a doctor gave her a fertile bill of health.

Your observation is correct that women are punished for getting caught. Men get to apologize and be forgiven.

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Well, I think we should find out where they stand on Vasectomy as well. That is probably off the table too, since it prevents people from breeding. Of course Hitler used Vasectomy and sterilization for "Black" Germans so that they could not interbreed with "White" Germans.


I have met people who were subject to this, and it is discussed in the book, https://africaworldpressbooks.com/an-afro-german-history-the-lives-of-africans-and-afro-germans-in-germany-from-1884-1950-katharina-oguntoye-translated-by-prof-vernessa-white-jackson/

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It is a woman's job to control herself because a man cannot control himself. Which is why he will be able to take Viagra and get a vasectomy, because he needs these tools to gird himself against evil temptress females and the lure of sex. Either because she isn't sexy enough and he needs viagra. (In their minds, men need Viagra because women aren't sexy enough, not because the man has a problem.) Or she's so sexy that he gets her pregnant too many times, and he needs a vasectomy. (I wish I were making this up.)

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I wish you were making it up too. My husband, who studied the bible in Germany, says no where in the Bible does it say abortion is wrong. Where are they getting this from?

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the Bible doesn't mention abortion. That is correct.

They cobble together an argument of "thou shalt not murder" + a Psalm where David said God knew him in the womb and come up with "abortion is murder." They completely ignore the verse in Genesis that says life begins with the breath. And that God says God is omniscient, so OF COURSE God would've known David in the womb. If they believe God is omniscient, God always knew David would exist. But they can't stretch that way.

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I was reading these to my daughter, whom I have partially moved out of the USA in that she is going to school in her other country, because her friends are pressuring her to go to school in the US. In any case, she was asking about how they could believe that if everything God does is perfect than how can being Black or trans, or gay be wrong when God does not make mistakes.

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Here's how they thread that needle.

Black - They believe God cursed Black and Brown people in the Noah story. This is known as the Curse of Ham or the Curse of Ham's Son. Southern plantation owners used this garbage to justify enslaving people. My CN pastor taught it from the pulpit. So if God allows someone to be born Black or Brown, that is all part of God's perfect (cursed) plan. (This is so offensive and vile and disgusting, but churches across the southern US teach this today.)

Trans - They insist the Bible says God created Adam (man) and Eve (woman.) Therefore, there are only 2 biological sexes, and the one you were born with was the one God gave you. They don't acknowledge the significant percentage of the world's population who are not born *entirely* male or *entirely* female. Don't ask them what to do with that, because they'll start spewing Bible verses and thought-terminating statements and short-circuit.

Gay - They believe homosexuality is a sinful, perverted choice, not who a person is. They point to a Bible verse I've referenced (I cannot remember it now, but it's on this Substack somewhere) about men burning into their lust toward one another and say, "God says gay = bad." The person responsible for this florid language, James VI and I, was at least bi-sexual and still commissioned the Bible my childhood pastor insisted was the only correct one. So I don't know how much I'd listen to them on this (or any) topic.

While I have no right to say anything to your daughter, I've advised my non-binary niece to leave the US. I don't want to watch them be suffocated by these people. But it's hard because friends are important. Solidarity to her (and to you.)

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Jul 26Liked by Andra Watkins

Their anti-abortion trope is something they invented in the early '80s..... prior to that, many many Christian clergy, ministers, pastors from various different denominations supported and rallied for abortion rights leading up for the 1973 Supreme Court decision.

The anti-abortion trope was manufactured/invented by Paul Weyrich ( founder of the Heritage Foundation, an ultra conservative, right wing lobbying group) and prosperity pastors who were pissed off about desegregation - so they created the fake movement of anti-abortion to galvanize against, to scream out from the pulpit in order to get their congregations into voting bloc...... encapsulate conservatism. The conservative groups like The Heritage foundation, the Federalist Society, Alliance Defending freedom, Etc are all about toxic male Christianity - men are head of the household, head of the community, head of business, make all the decisions- women are to be subjugated, just like the Book of Genesis says, we are Adam's servant/helpmate/companion.

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I grew up in one of those churches. They got mad about the IRS revoking Bob Jones University’s tax-exempt status because they didn’t want to admit Black people. But they couldn’t say that, so instead they invented the notion that the government persecutes Christians, and they decided opposing abortion would have emotional resonance. And here we are.

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Have you watched bad faith on amazon? Maybe not because I think that would be triggering for you - but my husband and I watched it the other weekend, holy shit, these people are out of their fucking minds. There is old footage of Paul Weyrich.... he's up at these conferences just thundering away to the crowd like a whack job Theocratic dictator.......and the rest of the professional grifting prosperity pastors.

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Yes. The history I have been given on this, is that prior to the 80s the Evangelical pastors told their congregations to stay out of politics. Then, there was a discussion of taxing Christian Universities, probably because they were promoting racism and sexism, and so Oral Roberts, and some others decided that they had to find an issue to get their congregations fired up to vote about and they decided to pick abortion. That was all about controlling who was elected so that they could make their millions off of their ministries and not have to pay taxes on it, or their universities, which I consider to all be forms of grift. They should not have tax free status at that level of earnings. Neither should private universities. In fact, the standard for that should be addressed after we go after the courts. We can do that too, it should not just be the purview of the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society.

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Jul 26Liked by Andra Watkins

Superb info. Every man and women needs to read this. No one wants unplanned pregnancies, not even men.

Sex for pleasure is wonderful!!

Not every ejaculation needs a last name!!

Taken directly from Students For Life website, a radical extremist anti-abortion and anti-birth control group. Below are the ONLY methods they want for all men & women:

Abortifacient (they want outlawed):

Oral contraceptives (birth control pills)

Intra-uterine devices (IUDs), both copper & hormonal

Hormonal patches

Hormonal shots

Hormonal implants

Hormonal vaginal rings

Plan B (emergency contraceptive) and off-brand equivalents

Non-Abortifacient (the only methods they support) :

Male & female condoms

Vaginal sponge


Cervical cap/shield


Fertility awareness methods(natural family planning/green sex) like the FDA approved “Natural Cycles”. (AKA, rhythm method)


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Thanks for sharing their lists, Julie. Students for Life is one of the biggest drivers of the movement to ban contraception nationwide.

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Jul 29Liked by Andra Watkins

We’re feeling much more hopeful about beating Trump, with Kamala about to become the nominee. But we can’t be complacent, we need to educate swing state voters to vote Democratic. Two action items:

Focus4Democracy is a group of very smart people with decades of experience crafting effective campaign messages. They do a zoom every 2 weeks. Their Zooms explain how they test and refine messages that generate more Democratic votes, particularly in battleground states. And they track the results. They need donations. But those who can't donate, you can forward Focus4Democracy's info to everyone you know. https://www.focus4democracy.org/

Downballot races matter too. State Congress, governors, and judges are sometimes elected. States are particularly important in protecting abortion rights and voter rights if Trump is re-elected. Visit app.oath.vote - they identify the most crucial races where your donations can make a difference. We can only vote where we live, but we can donate money nationwide - and we can also email our friends around the country.

Who will join me in taking action?

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I'm writing postcards to people in Georgia today. Thanks for continuing to give us options to be involved in saving democracy.

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Jul 26Liked by Andra Watkins

Thank you Andra. I love your meme's and appreciate the work you put into them. I take everyone and post it on IG! I am hopeful for a Harris win but as I shared in a prior post notes the job does not stop there. We still need to be diligent in keeping the CN at bay. It is a holy war to them and we need not rest on our laurels. Work must continue to stop them.

I am also mindful that efforts to elect local, county and state officials is IMPERATIVE. We need to vote out the GOP at the local levels at well. So important. I donated to Harris but I am also donating and working at the grassroots level.

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In my talk to Floridians for Democracy, I talked about the importance of state and local races. Because Republicans are implementing Project 2025 in red states and localities. Because they will call a constitutional convention to implement P2025 if they lose in November but control enough states. This is a holy war. They won’t go away if they lose in November. They will regroup.

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I see your point about using their language. Thanks for resending this.

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