Feb 21Liked by Andra Watkins

The other thing that stands out to me from this passage is the use of terms like 'elites' and 'corrupt' to describe anyone who disagrees with their agenda. Classic fascism and this particular feature goes well beyond the Christian Nationalists.

Dismantling the administrative state also has strong appeal to the business wing of their party, and it's an example of how these things overlap and work together. Ultimately to defeat them, there have to be fractures in their coalition, because the Christian Nationalists may be the largest and most powerful of the Republican factions, but they're not the only one.

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Right. That’s why I liked the POLITICO article above. It shows those fissures. Here’s to them becoming chasms before November.

I mean, it’s no surprise that billionaires and corporations would go along with a lot of this for lower taxes and no regulation. I’m not sure many of them realize they’re trading more unfettered profit for regulation of the spiritual kind.

And if they succeed in turning all public programs into religious-indoctrination-for-assistance schemes, don’t think for a second that the whole tax code won’t be rewritten to extract a tithe tax from everyone. Even corporations. Because they’re people.

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Feb 21Liked by Andra Watkins

Yes, that's a good article. It undersells it a little (or a lot) but that's how the larger media need to start out, and then follow up on it, keep the narrative going.

'Christian warfare' was a good term. Say 'jihad' to most Americans and they understand the connotations, which are ultimately death (not getting into actual Islamic theology here nor am I qualified to, just referencing what it means to most non-Muslim Americans). 'Christian warfare' is no different.

Another thing I noted is the claim that freedom of religion would be protected. Well, technically Iran has freedom of religion (at least for some faiths other than Shia Islam), and I don't think most Americans would look at Iran and understand that to be 'freedom of religion'. Iran and its Islamic Revolution, and its structure of government, are probably the best comparison for how many of these people are thinking though. And in practice Iran is also a kleptocracy, which fits very well with today's Republican party.

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I despise the term Christian warfare because I heard it so much growing up. But yes, it captures what they mean to do perfectly.

Freedom of religion means nothing coming from the mouth of someone like Mike Johnson. His faith is the One True Faith. All other faiths are false cults. He owes them no protection.

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Feb 21Liked by Andra Watkins

You say you heard it so much growing up. Interesting, because I wonder how many Americans outside of those communities have heard it. Imagine it became a common knowledge term. I think most Americans would still hear and focus on the 'warfare' part more than the 'Christian' part. Which would make it an effective way to redefine Christianity to the American public. If it's something that's trying to make war, it's a lot less benevolent or benign.

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I hope lots of their language becomes common knowledge with this effort. We have to understand what they mean to defeat them.

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Feb 21Liked by Andra Watkins

Yes. I'm just thinking some phrases in their language may paint them in a particularly bad light, in a way that's easy for others to understand. Those are good points of entry.

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Feb 21Liked by Andra Watkins

Unfortunately, the Republican leadership keeps breathing life into this worldview, and the Republican Congress grumbles behind a veil of anonymity, rather than calling it out for what it is: https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/02/21/congress/johnsons-sermon-to-gop-retreagt-00142436

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I’d love it if this causes more discord for Republicans. Because every congressional Republican isn’t a Christian Nationalist. Around 100 are.

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Feb 22Liked by Andra Watkins

The Christian Taliban will absolutely decimate this country in every way possible.... the United States would become a third world country, it would become Syria and Iran.

I still have trouble grasping that people even think like this, and these are college educated people.... I feel the average American thinks these are just hillbilly bible beaters that live in some trailer in the deep south.

I'm not sure where exactly I read the article last night, but as you probably know the highest population of Muslims in the US is the Greater Detroit area, one of their Prime spokespeople did an interview- they are of course pissed off at Biden, they are still talking through strategy on either sitting out the vote in November or voting independent.... these fucking dumbasses are possibly going to split the vote. All because of a few things here and there related to Biden that they don't like. The Muslims are ignoring the biggest threat of all.....tRump.

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I’m not sure how many are college educated, but a good portion are. You have rural dwellers, certainly, but lots live in or near major cities like Atlanta or Dallas. Nashville is blue but is surrounded by this.

I don’t know what to say to Arab Americans. I understand their rage. But not voting is a vote for 45. Voting 3rd party is a vote for 45. And 45 has made how he feels about Arab Americans clear. He hates them all and will make their lives hell if elected. That hatred motivated more of them to vote blue in 2020. I mean, 45 would probably give nukes to Israel. He is on the “bounce the rubble in Gaza” team. (Tom Cotton actually said that but lots of Christo-fascists feel that way about Gaza because strong Israel = the Last Days.) 45 moved our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem at the behest of these people because the Bible says Jerusalem will be the capital during the Last Days. So Arab Americans can sit out or vote 3rd party and allow someone to be elected who will allow every last one of them to be killed for the Bible to come true. Or they can vote for more blue candidates and give us a majority we can use to pressure the Administration to do the right thing by Gaza.

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Feb 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Per page 9 of project 2025 in your post here: " The next conservative President must possess the courage to relentlessly put the interests of the everyday American over the desires of the ruling elite." - - - > if a person didn't know better this sounds like really good news, until you understand the source and decoding.

If only we had a super strong Democratic President and Congress and SCOTUS that would do the above...... what a wonderful country this would be.

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If they would tax the rich and corporations, ban all money from politics, and set like a 2 or 3 month window for campaigning every cycle, this country would change radically for the better. Make our politicians stop enriching themselves, and let them sit their butts in Congress and do their jobs for us instead of fundraising all the time.

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Feb 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Exactly. Tax the rich and corporations like they were before Ronald Reagan came along, give Corporate America tax incentives only when they do the right thing like expanding benefits, planting trees for every single one they chop down, increasing wages, contributing to building of a local recycling center or park, or them expanding their manufacturing plant so they can hire more people, Etc. Instead they get massive tax breaks and do none of these fucking things.

There is so much that needs to be done, I

Repeal Citizens United .... until this is repealed, the majority of the politicians at the state and National level don't work for their constituents, they work for Corporate America and dark money.

Repeal Carson v Makin

Supreme Court limitations and expansion....

Get rid of the stupid fucking electoral college, not needed.

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Feb 23Liked by Andra Watkins

Great article. I didn't realize that the United States was so lapsed and updating our constitution as compared to our peers. Yeah.... the Democrats need to fight harder

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Feb 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Read this one tonight, we are under the bit of a false impression that we live in a true democracy when really we do not

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It is no coincidence that our political discourse has become abominable since Citizens United was decided in 2010. It is one of the worst Supreme Court decisions ever.

There was a good article I read a while back about what other democracies do and how often they update their rules...Let me look for it. Hold on.

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