
Copying this re-stack from Sharon L Fullen, because her observations enhance this newsletter:

"There are several different Indigenous peoples across Alaska, even in very remote areas which are resource rich. Alaskan tribes have superseding rights to much of these lands. As with mainland Indigenous tribes, these people would need financial assistance to protect their the land itself and/or access to their land. We must not let these Trump supported corporations strip mine sacred ground, pollute water sources, destroy animal habitantes and build access roads across their land. Many Alaskan tribes fish, hunt, trap and forage for food as their ancestors have done for generations.

Drilling and mining requires lots of employees. Corporations would need to build company towns that create pollution and waste. Much of the land stays frozen for most of the year so construction can be very destructive.

Manifest Destiny “gave”white people the “permission” to take occupied land across America because it was “god’s will”. We must stop this generation of “settlers” from stealing or damaging what is not our government’s right to allow."

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May 23Liked by Andra Watkins

Out of sight, out of mind...few people actually get to see Alaska, so it is hard for them to get upset about the decimation of the landscape....but try to put a few renewable energy windmills (or oil derricks) off the vacation/second-home beaches of the east coast, and you will have a full-on conniption.

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Alaska is absolutely out-of-sight for many Americans. This is one reason P2025 aggressively targets it. They think most Americans won't care because it's cold and far away.

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May 23·edited May 23Liked by Andra Watkins

Maybe there's another unstated goal here, like an easter egg? By saying they will create "well paying jobs," that is usually coded language for "elimination of welfare/social safety net programs." Alaska is famous for offering taxpayer funded subsidies for its residents - I'm sure that largesse sticks in the craw of these Christo Fascists who see ANY government assistance to any disadvanted folks not on the Fortune 500 list as something to be eliminated. To "cure" them of sloth.

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I shared the whole JD Vance bullshit about "people gotta be grateful for what they have." Which is Christo-fascist code for "God gave you what he wants you to have; you don't have a right to question it; you should simply be grateful."

That's how they approach welfare/social safety net programs, too. "Whatever you get is God's will. If you get nothing, that's God's will. You don't have a right to question God. You should work harder to make God happy so he'll give you more."

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May 23Liked by Andra Watkins

So... whenever Rs manage to stop welfare payments that previously went to millions of folks (which, as you said, must mean God WANTED them to get those welfare payments) then they're... still doing God's Will? How do these folks sleep at night without migrants from the cognitive dissonance?

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They don't believe God wants anyone to get welfare. They believe welfare is a woke liberal program that allows people to avoid God's consequences for sinful lives and poor decisions. I don't understand how they reconcile those beliefs with Jesus' entire life and ministry, but they don't worship Jesus. They worship angry, vengeful Old Testament God. And they don't have cognitive dissonance because they are indoctrinated not to question the mostly white men who teach these abominations from pulpits.

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May 24Liked by Andra Watkins

SMFH. I guess that's what it would take to be against the Enlightenment.

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May 24Liked by Andra Watkins

Can you say "Alaskan Labor Camps"? Alaska can be a pretty inhospitable living environment...attractive for some people, but probably not attractive enough for the population needed to staff a full-bore extraction economy. Either you have to pay commensurate wages to attract workers...or you have to have another source of labor. Given the anti-immigrant preoccupation of the far-right, where would the labor come from? Debtor's Prisons were a thing back when the robber-barons ran America (the first time), and then there's the National Alternative Service Program. So, does P2025 have anything to say about 'required national service' for all citizens?

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I'm going to bookmark this for a future reader question, because it won't take a great leap of logic to answer.

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May 24Liked by Andra Watkins

They would probably send academics, journalists, artists, activists, any other troublesome professionals like doctors and lawyers, non-CN/dissenting clergy, etc. Because they intend to house all of those people (the ones they let live) in prison anyway. It ought not get that far but who tf knows anymore 🤷

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Fear is how they will enforce their extreme laws. Look at how they're doing it in TX. They will make an aggressive example of what will happen to those who refuse to fall in line. "Concentration camps" are one of those tools. I don't want to engage in hyperbole, but let's remember what concentration camps are. They are places people are rounded up and taken to, usually far away from populated areas, because they have been accused of some crime, usually convicted without due process. They live in squalor and work backbreaking jobs without safety standards or appropriate tools or rest. They are forced into scientific "experiments" on their persons without their consent. And many are mass-exterminated.

And for extra credit in being accused of engaging in hyperbole or "that won't ever happen in America," those who vote for this are so radicalized they will turn their own family members in (because God might finally "get their attention.") One already threatened me, and that was before I started this project.

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May 24Liked by Andra Watkins

It will start with a 'welfare to workfare' program, and will end with 'vigilance over sinfulness and dissidents.'

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I don't know how people can watch some of the laws red states are already passing and not think this is where we'll end up.

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May 24Liked by Andra Watkins

speaking of which: https://crooksandliars.com/2024/05/art-horrible-deal

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This is spot-on.

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