May 29Liked by Andra Watkins

The NYT and other members of the MSM are asleep. They enable the psychological terrorism happening in this country. They won't define it. They know it, but the billionaire owners see dollars in clickbait news. Truth is optional. What will they do when the NYT is replaced with the Russian Times? What the fuck!! That pissant Steven Miller is the reincarnation of Goebbels. First the Christian Fascists own the judges, then the press. Lock step in their jack boots, khakis and red baseball caps that replaced the white pointy hoods. It scares the shit out of me.

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They aren’t asleep. This is deliberate. The billionaire backers of Project 2025 have decided that not paying taxes is more important than democracy. Christo-fascism will subjugate and control the masses while they mainline this planet’s resources for more tax-free money. And I’m afraid too many Americans, including ones I care about, will only understand this when it’s too late.

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May 29Liked by Andra Watkins

I agree with you 100%. It's about protecting their assets. When Jeff Bezos hired the ex Murdoch executive, I knew it was over. It's always about profits. Always! I wish integrity would make a comeback.

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People can tell me this is a waste of time because of Amazon’s reach, but I don’t ever shop there. I encourage people to get my books literally anywhere else when they ask. I don’t have Prime. I stopped with WaPo as soon as he bought it, which was ages ago. I don’t care how easy or cheap or convenient shopping there is. They steal from people for profit. They enslave people for profit.

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May 29Liked by Andra Watkins

And he's fighting the organization that protects our labor laws. I can't stand Amazon. Years ago boycotts worked. They are effective. American Oligarchs are the death rattle to democracy.

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Remember, an Aryan is:

Tall, like Goebbels.

Slim, like Goering.

Blond, like Hess.

Heroic, like Himmler.

Intelligent, like Ribbentrop.

Heterosexual, like Rohm and Funk.

Honest, like Hitler.

Goebbels is a perfect model for these neo-Nazis. Like the Bloated Yam, he was a serial adulterer. He also had a club foot that kept him out of the Army. A real club foot, unlike the Bloated Yam's bone spurs.

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This is the perfect comment. Thanks for taking time to compose it and share.

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I’ve been using that for years.

It came out of a 1936 British editorial cartoon that ridiculed the top Nazi leadership.

That one only had Hess, Goebbels, Goering, and Adolf. I expanded it.

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May 29Liked by Andra Watkins

You mention Russia and China. One thing I would add, and it's important, is that oppression of journalists can happen in a country that is still, ostensibly, a democracy. Turkey. IIRC, it has one of the world's highest rates of imprisoned journalists. Russia, China, Iran, (and Afghanistan?) are the endgame for these people. But to get there they start with Hungary and Turkey. That's important, because people think it couldn't happen in America. But there is a path, and if we look at history, and at other countries around the world, we can see it. Not that Americans know anything about history or about anything that goes on beyond their borders :(

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Part of not mentioning other countries was me trying to keep this newsletter shorter. But you're right. Turkey and Hungary and quite a few other countries are oppressing journalists and the free press. One only needs to go to this link and take a gander at the World Press Freedom Index map to see the situation we're in globally. https://rsf.org/en/map-2023-world-press-freedom-index

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May 29Liked by Andra Watkins

I find that it's hard to make these arguments in a short amount of space, without it sounding like hyperbole. I'm not really sure what the answer is, or what other feedback you're getting. If they get away with this, it's going to be because they boil the frog just slowly enough that it doesn't jump out of the pot. So far, they've done that. This has been decades in the making. We can hope that, sensing victory, they'll be too eager in the run up to the election, and sabotage themselves, but we certainly can't count on it.

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I have spent my entire life being told I'm hysterical/unhinged/don't use proper filters/don't know my place/am exaggerating/am a drama queen. I can't help it that so many Americans are determined to shove their heads up their own assholes and ignore the democracy that's being dismantled and burned before them. When the election happens, I will know I did everything I knew how to do to save their selfish, distracted, disinterested, harried heads-and-assholes.

As to feedback, I have lots of new subscribers, a healthy open and read rate, and good retention. If someone unsubscribes, it's usually because they think my work is "too expensive." But that isn't many people. If you have any ideas to make this work better or stronger or more persuasive, please send them along in a DM.

I don't have Calvin's Transmogrifier cardboard box, but I sometimes wish I could turn myself into a white man with a deep, not-southern-sounding voice and some respected pedigree (beyond being white and male in America), because maybe I could say the exact same fucking things and people would actually listen.

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