Apr 17Liked by Andra Watkins

Jane Addams one of the founders of social work advocated for the marginalized communities. They were and still are treated like poverty etc is self inflicted. There is tremendous evidence based practices that show its complex and society structures based. sickening. Backwards logic. It’s being revived.

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Christian Nationalists teach that poverty is God’s punishment or displeasure because of something that person did. It’s all part of their “prosperity gospel,” where the leaders rob their followers blind and tell them it’s because God is blessing their good lives.

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Apr 17Liked by Andra Watkins

Agreed I read the document from Rice University in Houston. Sigh 😔


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Thank you for posting this. It will be useful for an article I’m pitching.

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Apr 17Liked by Andra Watkins

My pleasure 😊

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Apr 17Liked by Andra Watkins

Thank you Andra. It is already happening with abortion bans, IVF, the Comstock act being pushed. This is a horrific preview. Appreciate all you do 💚💚

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It’s so important to keep showing how much more they intend to do if they win. Abortion and IVF bans, trans bans, etc are just the tip of the pile of freedoms they will take from us.

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Apr 17Liked by Andra Watkins

BIG BROTHER nightmare is almost an understatement, we're talking about the goddamn gestapo here...... they will need an army of christian Taliban mini-dictators to implement project 2025 and monitor all of us.

Basically, if you're single with a child and you need welfare then too bad. Them: "Single women with children are sluts, we don't give money to sluts". " never mind all the perverted things we do, we are above reproach".

They prefer you be homeless or in some fleabag hotel. You deserve very little........ how dare you have sex, then end up pregnant , then the man runs off because he wants no part of it......but Republicans forced you to give birth........ but how dare you now need financial help.

They take absolutely no consideration into the needs of the child just because the mother isn't living as per their fake sacred christian Sharia law. But yet they claim to be pro-child..... because you know we gestate actual toddlers in our uterus.

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Yes. So much this. They are so offensive and outrageous.

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Apr 17Liked by Andra Watkins

Hypocrisy is an understatement. I don’t know of a stronger word. 🤷‍♀️

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Apr 17Liked by Andra Watkins

I suspect you could correlate single parenthood with poverty for the simple reason that it's much, much more cost efficient for an adult to share housing with one or more other adults. And raising children is easier if there are multiple people to split all the unpaid labor.

But those problems don't require involving the other parent in the solution, if he (it's always a he) is trouble. Single mother families could share housing with other single mother families, or with grandparents. Public programs should be flexible in recognizing all the different possible types of living situations. Poverty is VERY inefficient, for many reasons, and there is a role for the state in trying to guide people to more efficient solutions.

Of course Republicans don't give a flying f*ck about actually solving problems. It's always blame and control, blame and control. And the people who are left in that party are too stupid to look anywhere but the bible for answers.

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It’s about punishing “slutty” women, too, as Julie said. The men don’t ever get punished.

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Apr 17Liked by Andra Watkins

And of course anytime the subject is poverty, there is a LOT of racism involved.

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Racism definitely.

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