This is sick on so many levels. Party of smaller government, my ass.

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It is the Government of the One True God's Avengers, in their opinion. Which will make it the biggest government we've ever seen in the US, should they succeed.

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Then it's up to us to make sure they never, ever, ever, ever succeed.

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Yes. We the People must stop them.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Andra Watkins

In the immortal words of Master Yoda:

"Do or do not, there is no try."

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Sep 17Liked by Andra Watkins

They insist that they have the right to control people from pre-cradle to death's door. Do they codify burial arrangements too? These people deserve to be cowed into silence. But "cowed" is not in their lexicon. What sublime arrogance!

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Regimes like this codify burial arrangements for many, yes. In mass graves and crematoriums. All part of the othering Republicans continue to amplify.

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Sep 17Liked by Andra Watkins

I guess this would apply to the "ungodly."

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Chilling, but true.

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Sep 17Liked by Andra Watkins

My yoga teacher’s mom recently passed away.She was in her final days when they intubated her at home.Her sister was Catholic and arranged for her Methodist mom to receive a “prayer/blessing”. My teacher was so unsettled as she watched the priest try to convert her mom in her final hours…

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This is abominable and so common. I have multiple family members who would do a version of this to anyone, including me. Please give your yoga teacher an extra hug and namaste from me (if she accepts hugs.)

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Sep 17Liked by Andra Watkins

Not to mention we don't do pain care anymore because opioids.

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Right. I'm sure I can find some example of one or more of them blaming the opioid epidemic on America's rejection of the One True God and sin and perversion. And on some level they're right. GREED is one of the 7 deadly sins. One obscenely wealthy family's greed and avarice, coupled with our bought-and-paid-for politicians and their greed and lust for power and our for-profit healthcare system's greed and lust for money, caused this problem.

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Hospice does administer pain medication while on their services. However it was a long fight for hospice to get that approved. Some CN type friends of my sister and others believe they don’t believe in pain medication. I don’t bother to ask why it’s pointless. Being in their head is insane and a dangerous place to be for me. One care aide told my sister he didn’t think it was right to put my father on morphine to end his suffering. I promptly called the agency and he was replaced. Glad I was there to advocate for my father. His moaning in pain prior to the meds was awful 😢. I love him and ensured he died with dignity.

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I’m sorry you have first-hand experience with this. It is yet another eyewitness account of others deciding their religious beliefs are more important than a dying person’s bodily autonomy and human dignity. And also speaks to how much emotional and administrative labor it requires to be elderly and dying in the US.

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Sep 17Liked by Andra Watkins

Thanks. My mother and sister didn’t want pain meds but the hospice RN did a great job explaining how my father’s moaning is what they call suffering. My husband and I were both filling vials of pain and anti anxiety meds for the care aides at night. It was brutal for me. I so wished I could have conversed with him more. ( one of the reasons many let the dying suffer, so they can talk 2 directional and it makes the family members feel better). But that is self serving and I wanted Dad to be comfortable. 🤗🥰

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Insanity. They’ve lost their minds.

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New York is considering a death-with-dignity law now, Al. I hope they pass it.

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Me too. Though I don’t intend dying here!

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My husband and I feel so strongly about this that we're moving to a country where this right is guaranteed nationwide. After watching my elderly aunt's end-of-life, I will not be an old person in the USA.

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Good move. We are an inhumane society on many levels.

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Sep 17Liked by Andra Watkins

So ,,, the problem of suffering is directly caused by an all loving, all knowing and all powerful God (their theology) in an attempt to draw the suffering to him before death. Makes no logical sense.

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Yet you'd be surprised how difficult this programming is to untangle. This thinking that my actions somehow brought God's wrath upon me lingered into my 40s. It took contracting a chronic illness and having 2 treatment-related nervous breakdowns, plus my family telling me this was God's judgment for my choices and all they could do was pray, for me to finally grasp how cruel and selfish this part of Christian Nationalist dogma is. Also why I can explain it so well, even if it will never make sense.

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Sep 17Liked by Andra Watkins

Thank you, Andra. Your work strikes home. It is vital. Your help with decoding Project 20-25 is invaluable.

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I'm glad I can use my trauma to be useful for democracy.

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Sep 17Liked by Andra Watkins

the Hemlock Society now disbanded will have to re emerge undoubtably.

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Sep 17Liked by Andra Watkins

My husband and I just recently confirmed that we qualify for agnostic. Glad we shared our deep thoughts. We go to church but take what we like and leave the rest. We are both spiritual but know nothing is for sure and cannot be proven.

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For me, faith is a constantly evolving journey. It is unique to me. I’ve seen you struggle with some things you don’t agree with, and I’m celebrating this deepening of you and your husband’s faith. It is never wrong to be skeptical of something we cannot prove.

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Sep 17Liked by Andra Watkins

I can't believe it, but it makes sense from their view. Andra, I read an article that indicates Project 2025 does not go back to the Reagan Administration but has existed since 1965 while providing details leading up to the Christian Nationalist movement today regarding the actions before the Reagan Administration and beyond. Is this true? You would know better than me. Here is the article:


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The writer is tying some of P2025's positions to the civil rights era, which isn't wrong. But it wasn't part of the Heritage Foundation or Mandate for Leadership in 1965.

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Sep 18Liked by Andra Watkins

I know that. The Heritage Foundation was not founded until 1973 and didn't start writing Mandate for Leadership plans until 1980. I think the writer meant that the Republican Party has been committed to instilling regressive ideas from the beginning of time regarding strict class, race, and gender roles in American society, but with different issues targeted, especially with President Nixon's Southern Strategy. Back then, it was the Civil Rights Movement, along with trying to ban public funding for reproductive rights, versus today, where Christian Nationalists oppose reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and public education. I hope this clarifies what I conveyed in my earlier message.

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The Dixiecrat Party was as much to blame as Republicans. (Strom Thurmond ran under this racist banner before he became a Republican.)

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What is scary to me is that Christian Nationalists have been this way, and yet they have hidden it,in many ways, until Project 2025 came out. I feel duped. I see their true colors of being bigoted, racist and misogynistic people. Thank you Andra for opening our eyes to this horrid group of “Christians “.

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Dominionist Christian Nationalists are schooled to hide their extremism until they are in a position to dominate. Duping us is part of their strategy.

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Sadly. They hid it until they trounced on all of us trying to dominate.

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And this will be something to keep in mind going forward, should we pull out this win and save our democracy in November. I wouldn't put it past them to RUN AS DEMOCRATS. (They've already done this in North Carolina and had a person change parties to get their abortion ban.) It is going to be even more important to be able to suss out what people stand for and who they really are.

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I can believe what you are saying now. We all need to be vigilant and also spread the word.

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Sep 18Liked by Andra Watkins

Oh, so now they're OK with palliative care?!

But if a doctor offers such care to a newborn with a life-limiting condition, to allow a mother to bond with her child rather than to put it through painful, hopeless resuscitative measures, they call it "killing the baby after birth."


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Their verbal and mental gymnastics confound belief, David. It makes my head hurt, but who cares about that. My heart hurts for everyone Republicans force to suffer this.

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