May 24Liked by Andra Watkins

Wow, really getting out there & spreading the “bad” word. I’m so excited that your perspective will be heard by more people.

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That’s the whole point. To share with enough voters to persuade them to vote blue before November.

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Way to go! I’m so happy our democracy has you to advocate for us. You’re pretty good at it, and you have gaul! I’m a total feminist, and I appreciate a strong woman with more gaul than I could ever have, like Gloria Steinem! I know people out there hate her, but I absolutely LOVE and ADMIRE her! She’s a baddie, and there’s so many other tough women out there fighting.

That’s all to say thank you! 🙏

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Thank you for this note. I needed it today.

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May 24Liked by Andra Watkins

Thank you for sharing this information. I get to catch up on a few things !

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These were all great opportunities to educate more people about P2025.

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May 24Liked by Andra Watkins

Thanks for sharing NOT ON OUR WATCH.

Republican War On Women Equates Pregnancy Care Pills To Heroin.

Which state has banned abortions with no exceptions for rape nor incest? Has one of the highest rates of pregnancies from rapes? Now is equating pregnancy care medication with heroin? Which party governs this state? Check this map.


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I cannot believe Louisianans keep voting for this. That they elected even more Republicans which enabled bills like this.

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