Jun 6Liked by Andra Watkins

This needs to be on the front page of every newspaper and news site.

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I agree. But so many are unwilling to state things this plainly, even if Project 2025 does. Too many Americans are still saying, "This won't ever happen. They don't have the discipline to do this." EVEN AS THEY ARE DOING IT.

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Jun 7Liked by Andra Watkins

Ideally, I think it would be good if you focused on this particular article on your next interview. This is super scary, this is Nazi SS Gestapo stuff. We would literally need other countries to come in and help us get out from under it - and why would anyone bother to help us when we voted it in.

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I think average Americans who aren't plugged into our government and/or haven't already been impacted in some way by what Republicans are systematically doing won't take this seriously no matter how much we talk about it. I cannot believe TX has passed laws essentially rewarding neighbors for reporting other neighbors for questioning, arrest, and possible prosecution/jail time, and nobody is demonstrating in the streets. (I know other red states have copied these laws.) It blows me away how flippant so many Americans are about our freedoms.

And you're right: Nobody is coming to save us. We must save ourselves and convince enough of these heads-up-assholes/both sides are bad/but Gaza/etc people to vote for democracy as a first step toward saving ourselves. Taking care of our democracy is a daily job. It isn't something we can take for granted or check in on when it's super-convenient or when we feel like it.

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Jun 6Liked by Andra Watkins

Here's something we can do - Focus For Democracy - https://www.focus4democracy.org/ - I've been attending their Zooms; then I donate to the organizations they recommend. These organizations have proven plans to get more Democrats to actually vote - and they also educate undecided voters as to how they can help protect our democracy. I'm now supporting the organizations they recommend, rather than just flinging donations at various Democratic candidates. This is something we CAN do. Please take a look. As everyone in this group knows, we're in an emergency.

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Thanks for sharing this resource here, Jan. I have it open in another tab and will look over it today.

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Jun 7Liked by Andra Watkins

So fucking scary

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Jun 6Liked by Andra Watkins

You are right for too many.

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Don't forget that he will fire any FBI agent or supervisor he considers an enemy and replace them with loyal Proud Boys.

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This is true for any federal government employee. But it's especially sobering with the FBI and DOJ.

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They will do some of the greatest harm.

Bear in mind, he can use IRS investigations as well.

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Right. And any other thing that carries the full force and weight of the federal government.

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Hey, ATF, Customs, ICE, DEA, US Marshals, they will all be the Bloated Yam’s enforcers, gunsels, and killers.

And, of course, the military.

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