Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

“Judge not or so shall you be judged” - Jesus

These people ARE the false prophets. They ARE the false teachers we were warned about.

I died in 2008, saw Heaven and was sent back. The Only thing that passes through the Veil is Love. You carry Love with you.

Is the man in a woman’s life willing to lay down his life for her? That’s what Ephesians 5 taught. Paul said the man must treat her as his own body. The Christian Nationals misinterpret the Bible.

Jesus Christ “stood up” for women. He prevented the stoning of the woman caught in adultery.

These false teachers 🐍 are what the apostle Peter warned us about in 2 Peter 2.

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For every sermon my childhood pastor taught on how the Bible says a man should love his wife enough to die for her, he taught at least 10 on wives submitting to husbands.

You’re right. They are the false prophets. I cannot speak for their souls, but the Christianity they espouse is not of Jesus.

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

You are so right. Sadly there seem to be many more of them than there are Christians like you. Although that would be expected. I appreciate the Ephesians 5 reference. That seems to me the way it should be; that's what we're put here for. Although I prefer to reverse the two verses about husbands and wives to say, 'Husbands, obey your wives';'Wives, love your husbands.'

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

I have already committed 10 of those violations today and it’s not even noon.

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And this isn't even a complete list.

I'm writing an expanded newsletter on fornication for Monday, because people often ask me why they care what happens behind closed doors.

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

"Fornication is the work of the devil" 🤣

whenever I'm scrolling through the tv channels and see something stupid like the 700 Club, I yell at the tv: " fornication is the work of the devil"...... I dramatically gyrate around and wave my hands in the air like I'm holding a bible. I chuckle every time.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

Andra- do you think they would retroactively prosecute people, as they did in the handmaid's tale? Like if someone committed adultery within a few years of them taking power.... would they round them up? Same with abortions? I believe this is why they are trying so desperately to track women that have abortions. JFC I can't believe this is where we are right now.... I want to cry.

Going to go see Dune 2 tonight to have an escape from all the darkness. My brain and nerves need a break.

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Please let me know what you think. I saw the first part.

As to your question, I don’t know how far they’d go. I know they mean to track pregnancies. And it has to be all pregnancies given the way they outlined the data they mean to track.

I personally believe they will be focused on the things they hammer in Project 2025 first: marriage between one man and one woman only; rollback of LGBTQIA+ rights including same-sex marriage and trans care; get rid of DEI; outlaw abortion from fertilization nationwide (including IVF and contraception); deport migrants and immigrants; and of course, punishing their “enemies” with investigations and arrests.

If they did anything retroactive, they’d do it to “punish enemies of the regime.”

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

I'm sure they would if they could. And they could also choose to be selective about whom they prosecute (persecute). It's up to the rest of us to make sure they're never in a position to do it.

Hope you enjoy the film. I saw the first one and it wasn't my thing :)

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Timothée Chalamet gets on my nerves as an actor.

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

Interesting. I had to look up to remember what all I've seen him in. Miss Stevens is very good. Lady Bird and Little Women are of course outstanding (Greta!) I liked French Dispatch, and I've seen Interstellar and the Woody Allen film he was in. I guess he's playing Bob Dylan next so we'll see how good he really is. He seems like a heartthrob to me but I'm a straight guy so it's guessing. Loved his sister Pauline in Sex Lives of College Girls.

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

I had to watch it 4 times to really appreciate it. Also I’m a fan of the book and I think they did a good job

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

It could be that knowing the book makes a big difference; that happens sometimes.

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

If he gets in, I am going to have to leave here by Jan. 20, 2025. I have a spiritual practice that could probably be called witchcraft. Honestly, I hope all of these monsters get their comeuppance. Such fucking despicable people.

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We're working hard to make sure they lose. I still believe we can do this.

But yeah. I didn't put this in the newsletter, but they'd go after yoga, reiki, tarot and similar. Someone in that camp actually sent me a (very, very poorly written) book alleging that the yogic breath = breathing in demons. Of course, they would also say this whole space is evidence of my demon possession.

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

I am doing my part to keep them out, too. I textbank and send postcards with Field Team 6 and the NJ Dems.

I am not surprised about them going after yoga, reiki, tarot. I knew someone who thought each animal-named asana invited the spirit of that animal into your body and she was a deeply religious person, too.

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This is why many states opposed teaching of yoga poses and meditation techniques in schools. To them, it equals worshipping false gods.

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

There will be a lot of Americans joining you. They'll lose in the end, but the problem is we don't know when the end is and how much everyone else will have to suffer - and some will not survive - before that happens.

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I know they won’t accept a loss, even a clearly massive one.

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

They will have to actually be defeated at some point, which is different from them just not winning.

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Exactly. Which is depressing and scary. Sigh.

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

If we think in terms of violence, yes. That's likely to ultimately be their strategy, if and when all else fails. We need other tools, to disrupt their finances and their communications for example, strategies to be able to deploy soft power of a majority of millions of Americans. That's the way we win, because yes we can't count on winning a shootout.

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I got a query from a group today, and I'm going to try to interview their CEO. I'm interested in their approach to this issue.

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

I am genuinely worried if too many people leave, they will stop them. After all, the billionaires need the people to work, work, work, so they can have low taxes. That, and they will want to prevent a brain drain, because we will still need doctors, nurses, dentists, etc.

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They use the words “seal the border” for a reason. Fascists always restrict movement to keep people trapped in their authoritarian world.

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

They will definitely try to stop us from leaving. Think- Gilead… that’s why I’m working on getting my ultra marathon bike fitness back up and running. If the roads are closed, I can travel via mountain bike and through the woods.

This isn’t the first time I’ve thought about this.

Also buying a gun.

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

It would definitely be characteristic of them. The truth is we don't know how bad it's going to get, but after what I've seen the last eight years there's absolutely nothing I would rule out.

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

I really resent these *sshats' "u pick it" attitude toward the "OT". If they are going to stone adulterers, they better go back to following the dietary laws and the prohibition of wearing mixed fabrics and all the other laws that were appropriate at the time and place they were written. They are definitely NOT as xtian as they think they are, not the least reason being no one can know what G-d thinks or his plans. They are Satan, if you believe in such. Jesus told us to expect them.

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Yes! No sex during menstruation! No tattoos! No bacon!

They are the Pharisees Jesus condemned when he refused to stone the woman they accused of adultery. That these 2 asshats call for stoning adulterers when Jesus himself refuse to says all we need to know about them.

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

tRump cheated on his wife, yes let's stone him to death, I'm down with that. Although I suspect what the Christian Taliban really means is stoning women to death. Just like some Muslim countries still do this....... imagine if your husband in Afghanistan simply didn't want you around anymore and made up the LIE accusing you of adultery when you absolutely did nothing of the sort....... as a Muslim woman she would not believed......she will be dead.

And while we're talking the old testament, rape was not a crime against woman, it was a crime against man (husband or father or uncle) , he was the OWNER of the property (AKA woman). That's how little the OT thinks of women. A book written by ancient misogynistic, ignorant tribal men. The Christian nationalists are not only a full on cult, but essentially terrorists and gang members too. SPLC should be tracking them.

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The OT doesn’t say “adulteress,” but I can see these hateful white men interpreting it that way. Because you’re right. To them, women are property.

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

Yes, and didn't the Christian Crusades carry out God's Wrath on the wrongdoors? While yes of course they did, and how many thousands of innocent people were murdered, all in the name of their God.

These people have not one shred of morality in them, they are nothing but hate filled vile humans.... and it doesn't matter what topic, all the care about is hate, judgement, damnation.

It is completely laughable that Jerry Falwell called themselves the Moral Majority.

1. They are not moral.

2. They are definitely not the majority.

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We have so many examples throughout history. It dumbfounds me that human beings fall for this over and over.

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

The ones who know, or maybe I should say understand, history generally don't. But that's a very small fraction of the human population.

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I think being alive makes some people arrogant. Like “That may have happened to those Crusaders/Spanish Inquisitioners/victims of Henry VIII/various martyrs/Nazis but we’ve come so far since then. We can get fascism right this time.”

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

That is a gem of a response! You have two priceless sentences:

I think being alive makes some people arrogant.

We can get fascism right this time.

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Apr 12Liked by Andra Watkins

That will be interesting and scary… I’d like to know how they plan on monitoring what people do behind closed doors 😟

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Hint: The same tool they're using for abortion...have friends/relatives/neighbors/anyone report this behavior.

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