Mar 22Liked by Andra Watkins

They'll start with dress codes and uniforms in schools, and dress codes in government buildings / on government property. If they get away with that it will progress from there. Authoritarians know that if you can control someone's appearance, you've made a big step in taking away their autonomy, and you're well on your way to controlling their behavior, and subduing their mind.

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Mar 22Liked by Andra Watkins

It is so obvious to the vast majority of humans that these churches are nothing but Cults. "A leader who indoctrinates members with unorthodox or extremist views, practices, or beliefs".

It's completely a subjective and self-serving proclamation for them to claim they are an actual religion as if they have some authority from god, , as if they are somehow sanctioned. To hide behind a title such as "Baptist" then implement such outlandish and extreme positions to manipulate for power, control, greed are classic signs of a cult.

In my opinion, all religion is a cult, that's how against religion I am. From the moment any particular religion or church or minister tries to make me conform, tells me how to act, who I befriend, how I dress, how to vote, rituals I must follow, etc......game over. Bye bye! Because at that point they prove who they really are.

I would though be willing to give certain churches a concession on my hardline view if they would allow parishioners to come as they are, be who they are, not control them, not manipulate them,.... to only pray for peace, love, and compassion.......to help the most vulnerable..... and be pro-choice. A church who had clergy that would actually speak out against Christian nationalism. I might then have a teeny tiny bit of respect for them.

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Mar 22Liked by Andra Watkins

I would like to see these other religious leaders take a stand against chriso- fascism then. Where are they? Their silence is acceptance.

If they won't speak out against it in public and at their churches then I have to wonder if deep down inside they agree with it. I'm not picking on the Baptist......the Catholics too are an issue, but we know they are too far gone.....its no secret how the priests and the Vatican feel about women and our role in the world......we have NO role.

I'm not necessarily implying that a Catholic parishioner who goes to church every Sunday is part of a cult, but the priests and the Vatican certainly are , it's all about control.

I would like to see people be more discerning with where they are attending church, going to a church that aligns with their ideology. Technically we don't even need buildings (aka churches); anyone, anywhere, anytime can develop a relationship with their God, Supreme Being, The Oneness, The Universe. I have this conversation with my mom all the time, she still goes to Catholic church but disagrees with pretty much everything about it. She told me it was Catholic guilt... like I explained to her - that's her own guilt, she's putting it upon herself, she can't blame the church (or anyone else) for her guilty feelings, we ourselves own guilt.....we have to process our own feelings. I asked her to find another church or stop going to church. We can find spiritual healing and love in our own homes. She still goes and that is her decision not mine, she is her own person and only she can decide..... but I will not go with her, not even at Christmas.

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I hope not. I don’t look good in bonnets and those brown florals are awful. I suppose I’ll have to give up lacy underwear.

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I feel as if you are on tilt with this one Andra. I agree that there are very few limits when it comes to a specific group or groups of people who might try to control how we appear or sound like. Church history is full of ridiculous examples of such indoctrination or control. In 2024 I just don’t see it. In the 50’s 60’s and 70’s yes. In 2024 I don’t believe it can come close to happening. The christian faith is so fragmented as to be mostly irrelevant in America today. As someone so aptly described it, the cults destroyed any hope in faith based churches today. Our memories are not that faded yet.

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Mar 23Liked by Andra Watkins

Thank you for answering my question!!

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