I am not a church-goer nor do I considered myself religious but I believe as I was taught in a “loving”Baptist church that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the New Testament. The strict, unkind faux-christians are stuck in the Old Testament. Since Jews do not believe that the true savior has come, they to base their faith with the wisdom of the Torah. Hence, their dogma is vuilt on a more kind and compassionate dogma.

Since I’m not a Biblical scholar, I found an article on the web site, Desiring God. It sums up the principles I was taught and tells people why Old Testament-based religion is incorrect. Jesus did not teach vengeance nor that believers were to mandate the behaviors and beliefs of others. I think this might be a sword over the radical christians unbiblical beliefs.

This article is called “How Christ Fulfilled and Ended the Old Testament Regime” by John Piper, a religious teacher and former Baptist minister. The founder of http:desiringGod.org and author of 50 books on desiring God.

I doubt that anyone will suddenly open their eyes to the truth. As any weak human, they cling to things that enrich them emotionally and have been promised wealth, righteousness and glory. I have no issues with that except when they try to overthrow our government and shove their beliefs down our throats. They have no special right to subjugate anyone who believes differently.

This country was not based on religion. Especially not one specific religions’ interpretation of book written by men. Nor the. belief that God has given white people permission to steal any one else’s land and call it their own. Manifest Destiny is a lie. No person or message straight from God gave white people the right to own any human and for Black from various African countries to be enslaved.

White people are not the chosen people and must free themselves from the unscientific eugenics which was a lie perpetrated to gain power, wealth and control over the “lesser” humans.

Like slavery, theses white people are using their twisted religion to subvert our freedoms and subjugate masses of people under new laws.

We Americans of every color and every faith or with no faith must stand up for the rule of last,democracy and our Constitution


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I've said it multiple times but I'll say it again: Jesus Christ would not vote for Christian Nationalists. Their vengeful, vicious interpretation of the Bible is not of Jesus. From my own experience, I believe a few people have become very wealthy peddling this garbage, and they keep their minions in place using cult-like tactics of control. It is virtually impossible to reach someone who is fully indoctrinated in that dogma. But we have a chance with independents and more libertarian Republicans. Those voters are still persuadable. I hope.

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Apr 15Liked by Andra Watkins

We have to show enough of them that this is who controls the Republican party now. They need to be deeply uncomfortable with it. Because we know they're already deeply uncomfortable with the Democratic party or they would already be on our side. They need to feel just a little bit of the fear that we all feel. I think what's happening with reproductive health care could have that effect. I also think every time Trump and his minions hint at violence it could have that effect. But I think it's also important for the Democrats to try hard not to remind them of what they dislike about us too.

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I hope a 45 conviction will also convince more voters to vote blue. I believe we'll get a criminal conviction out of the NY trial. I think it's the only one that has a shot to be concluded before the election, given how the corrupt FL judge and the Supreme Court are helping him delay the other ones. I'm not sure the GA case can happen before the election because it's so sprawling and complex.

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Apr 15Liked by Andra Watkins

Yeah, and I think the other cases will resonate more with voters than the NY one. If I were them and I wanted to cry 'witch hunt' that would be the one I'd pick. Which is to say we've got our work cut out for us.

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Depends on what comes out at trial. To me, this is an election interference case. I hope they prosecute it from that perspective.

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Apr 15Liked by Andra Watkins


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Apr 18Liked by Andra Watkins

Well said. I read somewhere that God created man and man create God as male. 🤨

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It limits God to assign a gender. I use the gender pronoun “he” when I write from the Christian Nationalist perspective, but in my own life I see God more as “it” or “they” or “unfathomable and unassignable.”

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Apr 18Liked by Andra Watkins

As do I Andra. God as it or the Source. 🥰

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I heard that god was a woman. There’s even a book, When God was a Woman.

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Could be.

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Apr 18Liked by Andra Watkins

Actually I find the Hindu Trinity quite intriguing. Male, female and Brahma the creator. Fascinating

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Apr 18Liked by Andra Watkins

In some circles they say the Holy Spirit is the feminine

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Apr 15Liked by Andra Watkins

Like the Texas obscenity laws that are still on the books covering things like sex toys and prostitution. Houston is the #1 capital in the US for sex trafficking now so apparently Greg Abbott and Texas don't really care about children and women that have been abducted into trafficking being forced onto Bissonnet Street. I bet some of the Christian Taliban pastors know this street well. Such fucking hypocrisy that these people have.

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They always call out the things they have the urge to do (or are doing in secret.)

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Apr 15Liked by Andra Watkins

It's so obvious when you assess the male and female body that it was designed for sexual pleasure, and since they claim their "god" never makes any mistakes......there's no reason to live under sexual repression as the Taliban demands. Every religion on earth forces sexual repression onto their followers but of course the religious leaders rarely follow it themselves. Religion is full of pedophiles and perverts who coerce and rape, yet preach damnation from the pulpit.

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This garbage against enjoying sex dates back to St Augustine, a sex-addict-turned-priest. He made all these rules to keep himself in line, and Catholics and Protestants alike have adopted them over time.

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15Liked by Andra Watkins

Not only can they not accept Obergefell, they cannot accept Loving, which legalized marriage between different "races," and Griswold, which legalized the use of contraception. Now that Roe has been overturned, these three SCOTUS rulings are next in their sights.

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Very prescient, Stephen. Clarence Thomas listed 3 privacy cases he believes this corrupt SC needs to revisit. Loving wasn’t one of them. I wonder why…

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Apr 18Liked by Andra Watkins

Excellent article. I ponder how the Christian Nationalist movement seems to overlook Trump’s “perverse actions” huh 🤔 my sarcastic tone that you can’t hear. 😏

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They first tried to cast 45 as King David: A flawed leader who lusted after another man’s wife and bedded her; then arranged for her husband to die in battle so he could have her.

But David was a bad corollary because he was genuinely sorry for doing these things and paid for the rest of his life.

So they switched to Cyrus, an Old Testament king of Persia who liberated the Jews from Babylonian captivity. He was an unbeliever, but they still celebrated how God used him for their good.

The latter is how they justify 45 today. He is their Cyrus. They would pick him over Jesus. For sure.

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