Apr 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Also, even if someone is here illegally it does not mean they are not paying federal or state taxes - many of them will buy social security cards to then get work. Of course the social security card is of a dead person, but it doesn't matter - the person is still paying taxes like any other American citizen- and they are still paying taxes for gas and all other purchases. When these "illegal" immigrants get to retirement age they never collect Social Security even though they paid into it, because they are afraid of getting caught. Our government KNOWS this happens and they gladly still allow it because they get tax dollars from it and no one comes back later to collect Social Security. The Republicans KNOW this......and gladly take their money.

Then we have DACA kids.....whole other story, set of circumstances......they've been here for years.

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Right. This is such a complex issue. It can’t be reduced to “seal the border.” Tho P2025 tries.

I feel especially awful for DACAs. They didn’t choose to come here. They’re American in every way but being here legally. The humane thing to do is give them citizenship and let them stay.

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Apr 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Yes. 💔

It might not be as simple as I make it, because I don't know what percentage of the people at the border are actually fleeing violence, as opposed to something else, but none of them were living in tenable circumstances. I always refer to them as refugees, and I think that's a good start. I don't know what impact that would have on the conversation, but I'd like to see it tried out.

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I’m sure there are people who come to the US thinking, “If I can get in, I can find a way to stay. Legally or no.” Because people are people.

But the US has participated in propping up dictators and supporting oppressive regimes in central and South America. And those decisions have impacts on the people in those countries, even decades later. It is our duty, in my opinion, to do right by them for what we allowed to happen to them.

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Apr 22Liked by Andra Watkins

And all the drugs our country consumes play a very big part in the problems in Latin America. Also the U.S. is where all the guns come from (it's always either us or Russia).

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I'm not sure humanity will ever realize that we share this planet. What I do impacts you. What you do impacts me. I hope my choices impact you for the better. But a lot of humans don't think that way.

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Apr 25Liked by Andra Watkins

Great article. I have worked directly with unaccompanied children who have fled violence, threats, rape, and others who were raised by grandparents who can no longer care for them and so they make the dangerous journey north. So many of these children have the same dreams of going to school and often work long hours while going to classes (labor exploitation is a huge issue). They come seeking the same opportunities other immigrants have before and it’s tragic to see how they and other immigrant families are dehumanized. I often think, if the roles were reversed—we would do similar things to protect and provide for our children and family.

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It’s especially heartbreaking when we have met some of these people. We know them as human beings, not nameless, faceless blobs to be hated. Thank you for caring and for the work you’ve done.

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