"When Harry Met Sally".....off limits!

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So many things would be forbidden.

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May 15Liked by Andra Watkins

I guess that means “The Joy of Sex” is a porn book too.

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There is no joy in sexual for Christian nationalists.

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May 15Liked by Andra Watkins

That’s my point!! The “Joy of Sex” used to be recommended by marriage counselors. I guess Christian Nationalists want to eliminate the Song of Solomon too?

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They want to eliminate sex education altogether. They believe the Bible teaches that people should be ignorant virgins on their wedding night, and they should "do what comes naturally." Whatever comes naturally is what God meant to happen. It is so sick and twisted and wrong.

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May 16Liked by Andra Watkins

This bill if passed has far reaching negative implications beyond this.

It will eliminate sex education to abstinence-only. That will be a 10 minute class. This may already be the case in oklahoma, as was a lot of other red States especially in the south.

How will girls be taught about menstruation, kind of need to talk about bodily specifics.

How will a gynecologist have a impactful discussion in the exam room with woman even if she is married.

How will a child psychologist investigating and interviewing a child for sex abuse be able to have an impactful discussion as part of the investigation?

Urologist exam and discussion with male patient? I assume that'll be perfectly fine.

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Yes to all of this, Julie. The whole point is to keep women completely ignorant so they will be controllable and be the "baby-having homemakers" these guys crave.

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May 16Liked by Andra Watkins

Remember Carrie? (I'm thinking of the 1976 film, but the Stephen King novel it was an adaptation of was probably the same or worse for the protagonist.) That's your answer.

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May 16Liked by Andra Watkins

Yep. Carrie could only take so much before she burned the school down.

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May 16Liked by Andra Watkins

She had the right idea.

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May 16Liked by Andra Watkins

Dusty Deevers sure knows a lot about sex and "porn" for such a pious Baptist Minister, turned politician.....

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Always interesting how they're such "experts"...

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May 15Liked by Andra Watkins

Thank you for this information Andra. 🥰

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You’re welcome.

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May 15Liked by Andra Watkins

No way this is constitutional…

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Who knows? After listening to the corrupt bought and paid for Christo-fascist Supreme Court justices tie themselves in knots to give 45 an out for 6 January, I have no faith in how these judges interpret the Constitution.

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May 15Liked by Andra Watkins

I mean it would ban almost all movies and music

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They have long railed against the “filth” coming out of Hollywood. I wasn’t allowed to go to movies when I was a kid. Not even Disney movies. It was all filth.

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0% faith in SCOTUS

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May 16Liked by Andra Watkins

There goes ALL of rock music.

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Don't forget about country...they hate pretty much all secular music.

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