Jun 27Liked by Andra Watkins

If I could upload a video or two, I'd add a video of Sheldon Whitehouse or Jamie Raskin in action...strong opinions delivered without shouting or insulting or diminishing others. There is a better way forward.

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Unfortunately, autocratic communicators will always have to be dealt with like toddlers. They are exhausting. In our personal lives, it's often easier (though painful) to cease contact. But in public spaces, it requires near-constant setting and reinforcing of boundaries and a willingness to stand up to bullies again and again and again and again. Rinse and repeat. It would be better if Americans would learn not to elect such people in the first place, because they are not projecting strength.

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Jun 27Liked by Andra Watkins

I think we've nurtured (not quite the right word, but anyway) a disproportionately large toddler population in this country, compared to other developed nations, and many of them vote. I guess ergo we get the government we deserve.

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We have a lot of work to do. A November win is the beginning of that work.

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Jun 27Liked by Andra Watkins

It looks increasingly likely to me that we (as a country) won't be ready and willing to do that work until we lose the election. We need to be prepared for that, because there won't be any time or energy to spare. (Not that there is now, but it gets exponentially worse). I'm concerned about whether anyone on our side has any contingency plans. Obviously we don't want to discourage voters, so we might not be talking openly about it, but it's irresponsible to have all our eggs in one basket.

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I know groups of people are gaming various scenarios, but I don’t know that anyone is proactively planning for what we do if we lose.

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Jun 27Liked by Andra Watkins

That is going to be a problem. The time to be running the war games is now. Not after November, and certainly not after January. If we're fortunate, it will be like an active shooter drill at a school (we live in a sick country that I have to say that); we'll be prepared, but we won't have to actually encounter the threat. But not preparing is like not buying insurance. It's incredibly foolish.

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Jun 27Liked by Andra Watkins

“A sprawling network of Democratic officials, progressive activists, watchdog groups and ex-Republicans has been taking extraordinary steps to prepare for a potential second Trump presidency, drawn together by the fear that Mr. Trump’s return to power would pose a grave threat not just to their agenda but to American democracy itself.”


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And we need both. An executable plan to fight back AND an aggressive plan to reject fascism when we win.

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This is what I referred to above. I know we've been war-gaming these scenarios. I'm not sure we have a proactive plan to steamroll them when we win. We need to be prepared for both.

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Jun 27Liked by Andra Watkins

Excellent job, Andra. So, I've been reading about the Southern Economic Development Model (SEDM). This came from the Reagan administration. Which was ran by the Heritage Foundation. Their goal is to keep Americans functionally illiterate. To keep the tax burden on the poor and middle class. To keep states Right To Work or less. No regulations at all. To incorporate slave labor. To make Churches responsible for all social programs. Segregation will be in forced. To be a communist nation. A chattel America. Project 2025 is SEDM. The 2025 version.

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I'm so grateful for you, Lisa. Is this available online? Can I get a copy? I'd love to compare its tenets to P2025.

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Jun 27Liked by Andra Watkins

I'd like to hear what you think about it.

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Jun 27Liked by Andra Watkins

You can start with www.epi.org. They have multiple articles on this subject. There is an article in Raw Story today that breaks it down.

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I swear, the South never stopped fighting the Civil War.

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Jun 27Liked by Andra Watkins

Oh, I know!!! The GQP is winning on that one.

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Jun 27Liked by Andra Watkins

Andra, if you’re not aware, Biden/Harris campaign launched effort to underscore threat of P 2025 with new w-site landing page today.


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I wasn't aware. Thanks for sharing the link here.

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Jun 27Liked by Andra Watkins

And thank you for sharing, so I could view yet again, the clip of one of my sheroes, Jasmine Crockett,as she deftly takes down the aggressive Republicans.The look on Rep Raskin’s face…priceless !

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To me, that whole episode is a stain on our government. I don't enjoy watching it, though I admire Jasmine Crockett and AOC very much. MTG is the poster child of the types of communication highlighted in this newsletter.

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Jun 27Liked by Andra Watkins

Agreed, but I’m grateful MTG was countered…however ugly.If the GOP won’t reel her in, how do you counter her type(s) of communication, especially in a House hearing? I remember when she attacked Parkland survivor and gun safety activist,David Hogg, as he walked near the Capitol and he ignored her…but of course, a different situation and MTG had much less power then.

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