Thanks for sharing this. Important issue and on-point questions. In my mind, the separation of church and state has never been more relevant, or more important to bring into brighter light. No matter what you believe...or don't.

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I didn't include the question "Tell me how you feel about the separation of church and state," because someone who's on their side wouldn't ask that question. They all believe separation of church and state exists to protect the church from the state. I deliberately chose questions that would reveal their beliefs on church-state separation without asking that question directly.

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These are very, very helpful strategies to think about when framing candidate questions. I've never read such a clear delineation of, not only what to ask, but also why to frame a question the way you suggest. Thanks, Andra.

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I know you and S can use this where you are. You're both intelligent and articulate and will do it so well. Please let me know what happens if you deploy it in your community.

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Aug 22Liked by Andra Watkins

So it’s like you have to talk their language to give them the false indication that I’m CN to get the information. Kinda like the journalist did with the Alito the justice.

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YES! And she was mostly crucified by the left and the media for using these tactics. But these people are fighting a war. They play dirty. For where we are in this war right now, this is one of the only tactics that will work to get them to reveal how radicalized they are. I don't think that's dishonest when we're on the side of protecting and strengthening democracy.

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Aug 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Agreed. That is what I would do if I needed information about a competitor product. It’s part of standing up to bullies.

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The British journalists and Russ Vought are another example of how much you can get them to say if they think you're one of them.

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Aug 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Ok get to know thy enemy. Thanks!

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Aug 22Liked by Andra Watkins

This is an especially good post to re-run.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Author

A couple of readers restacked the second installment last week because of where we are in election season. I've written so much since January...I often pick back newsletters for my posts but I forget what they were about. Those shares reminded me to brush two different posts up and share it as one right now, where people may have on-the-ground chances to use it.

All that to say sharing this work doesn't just help more people find it. Sometimes, it also helps those of us who create it to remember what's there. :)

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Aug 22Liked by Andra Watkins

My legislators are all GOP and usually don’t do public forums,even when up for re-election, and often don’t respond to media questions.It’s a MAGA thing so be wary of any candidate who does the same.

I have phoned my legislators about issues but have never been able to speak directly, it’s always an aide. I like to email, or do a Resistbot, as I’ll often receive a response. Even though it’s auto-generated, I have the legislators twisted pretzel MAGA logic in writing.

The Orlando Sentinel reported today more evidence of P2025 in action. The Florida Department of Education required all counties to submit their sex education plans, which they did almost a year ago. The school year has started and the Dept of Education has not responded to any counties….or the media. So, no sex education plans in place.

Also, it came as a surprise this week when travelers learned that Florida’s tourism marketing agency quietly removed the “LGBTQ Travel” section from its website sometime in the past few months.

Florida Rep Debbie Wasserman Schultz at the DNC last night:

“For the people of my state, Project 2025 isn’t just a threat, it’s a reality that we battle every single day!” Her 3 minute speech:⬇️


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A related thought: Voters interested in putting themselves through possible trauma could buy a ticket to a Republican fundraiser and attend with this research and these questions in mind. My head would probably explode after 5 minutes, because I know what those rooms are like and cannot stomach them anymore. But going in and gauging the beliefs of those who support these candidates reveals a lot about what the candidates believe.

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You bring up an excellent point, Kathy: Many red state Republican incumbents don't do public forums. But candidates running for election for the first time generally must. It can also be used to research incumbent positions and voting records.

I don't know whether Texas or Florida or Tennessee are the most Christo-fascist Project 2025 states at the moment. South Carolina almost never makes the news, because most of America assumes we're crazy. Our legislature and guvnah (I call him Foghorn Leghorn) do all kinds of despicable things under the radar. I'm glad to hear that the Sentinel is all over this. (I'm sure the Sun Sentinel and others are, too.) Because of course, your first example is a way to prevent sex education from being taught at all, which is in line with P2025 Christo-fascists. And banning LGBTQ from state websites or from those with state contracts is another.

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Aug 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Amazing in both structure and detail - thank you so much for your dedicated hard work. America owes you!

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You're welcome. Please let me know if you use this tool anywhere. Lists like this aren't static. They have to be updated as the right figures out what's happening and shifts their tactics, but we're close enough to the election that this one should work through November.

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Aug 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Thank you for pointing out the need to update. I usually send to a good friend who then sends to his bunch of friends.

Any updates would be appreciated and likewise happily passed along!

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Aug 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Not long at all, Andra, and very good advice generally, to research ahead of time, and then speak on their terms. I had a question about Point 3, whether it might be better to substitute "personhood" for "life," but then I realized that that might be a tip-off to my position. Would it? In any case, it's tricky and requires thinking on two tracks.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Author

Personhood or "fetal personhood" would be a tipoff to your position. These are other words they've co-opted and/or created to avoid saying to voters, "We believe life begins at conception/fertilization. Anything that prevents a fertilized egg from implanting, creates a hostile environment that reduces the chances of implantation, or causes the callous discarding of human life (IVF) is the murder of a human being." What I put in quotes is how they talk amongst themselves. You don't have to go very far to find this language on their websites. I shared one example several weeks ago in my post on how they will ban contraception. You can find it here: https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/project-2025-outlaw-chemical-abortion?utm_source=publication-search

So if you use the word "personhood" instead of life, you're outing yourself as someone who wouldn't necessarily think life begins at conception/fertilization. They would never say that word amongst themselves, and they know this. Which makes them recognize you as an enemy or an outsider, someone they have to use their public-facing answers for.

I hope that helps. You're more of an expert at this kind of fascist word-smithing than I am, which is probably why you asked for clarification. You understand how much changing one word can alter the whole interaction.

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Aug 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Yes yes yes.

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Aug 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Thank you for the confirmation. I may have a good theoretical grasp of how language works, but unlike you, I have zero practice in disguising where I'm coming from. And I've never really thought about it in those terms before.. So this is very useful and gives a lot to think about.

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It is still unsettling how I can flip a switch in my brain and think like them. Indoctrination always lives in the brain.

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So very excellent and important information presented here. With this they won’t be able to pull the wool over our eyes. Thanks so much ,Andra. You have been a wealth of information to all of us.

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You're welcome. Thanks for supporting this work.

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Aug 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Just curious: would asking about their stance on The Beatitudes and other red-letter parts of the New Testament be useful here?

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It depends on why you're asking. If you're asking to contrast their approach to Christianity with how Jesus behaved and what he taught in The Beatitudes, I don't think you will accomplish the objective of getting them to reveal radicalization. They really don't like it when other Christians/people of faith/people of no faith point out how their teachings are not WWJD (what would Jesus do.) They could also point to things Jesus said and twist things he did to justify their extremist positions. One can find examples in less than a minute online.

If you're asking because you assume these people are radicals, and you think going into a room full of them and pointing out their hypocrisy will change anything about them, don't waste your time or put yourself in potential danger. Other branches of Christianity and people of other faiths welcome public discussions about dogma; Christian Nationalists DO NOT. They believe their interpretation of the Bible is The Only Truth. In their arrogance and intolerance, they are convinced they have a direct line to what God meant and nobody else does. It won't be a pleasant experience for an outsider alone in that room.

If you have a different reason for asking this question, please clarify.

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Aug 23Liked by Andra Watkins

Thanks for the thoughtful reply, Andra. I admit to a real curiosity how these folks live with the cognitive dissonance of professing to be "Christian" while ignoring almost all the quotes actually ascribed to Christ, and how they would verbalize that. Seems the semantic gymnastics alone would be an indication of not-normal Christianity. But your description of being alone in a room filled with them sounds like being in an insane asylum run by the inmates.

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Aug 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Andra, what is your opinion on the undercover interview with Project 2025 leader Russ Vought?

Personally, I thought Vought spent waaay too little time in first properly vetting the interviewers.

Regardless, I believe he has any consequences coming to him. The interview was not illegal and he spoke of his own free will. He's an adult and is (presumably) responsible for his own actions.

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I wrote about it on Monday (which I think you saw but can't always keep up with who sees what anymore). Here's a link to that newsletter: https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/how-christian-nationalists-talk-amongst

Vought is an example of an extremely radicalized Christian Nationalist Dominionist. When Pew released its last set of research on CN, around 10% fit that category. They cannot wait to force us all to live by their interpretation of the Bible in every aspect of our lives, and they're willing to use violence and force if necessary. Vought practically vibrates with the energy he gets from talking about this; he cannot wait to say this stuff everywhere, all the time, which is why he expressed very little regret for being duped. I don't think you'd have to trick him to say these things to your face, David. He's DYING to say them. He's PROUD of them. And he's LIVID that he's being told he has to keep wearing a mask a little while longer and hide behind things like "religious liberty."

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Aug 22Liked by Andra Watkins

I can't keep track of my own posts either! I'll check it out, thanks.

And if there's one thing we've learned about CNs - they're outraged if they're being told they have to keep wearing a mask!

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Aug 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Yes excellent and helpful on how to ask/frame the question 👍👏

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I think these 2 newsletters (that I've combined into one today) are some of the most useful ones I've written.

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