Feb 13Liked by Andra Watkins

That some hold those beliefs is hard for others (not just liberals) to comprehend or to take seriously. It is a mistake to discount that these beliefs are often sincerely held; the real issue will arise if they are able to use public policy to give their worldview the force of law.

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That’s a point I want to hammer here and elsewhere: If they win in November, this is the worldview that will be forced upon us. That’s why it is so important for the left to stop infighting and complaining about Biden and focus on freedom and democracy.

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Feb 13Liked by Andra Watkins

It is really hard to get past all the bullshit they believe in, I'm still mind-boggled by it every time. It is incredibly frustrating, it is unbelievable in this day and age this is the Fantastical science fiction stuff that they believe in..... let's pretend for a moment that the Bible did not exist..... and they all received a copy today and read it, they would laugh and call it science fiction just like Lord of the Rings. Just when you think you've heard the maximum ridiculous beliefs, then there's something else. But me complaining about this is totally irrelevant, it doesn't change their beliefs and that's the point of your expertise in sharing this valuable information with us so I should just shut up.... Lol😂

It's very beneficial that you are writing these articles so that we can better understand nationalist, but how do we combat, fight this?

They don't believe in science, they're full of superstitious dogma, how will we possibly bride the gap? It does not seem that we can.

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I am writing about this before the November election because it is critical that every American voter grasp one thing: If they win in November, they will force these beliefs on everyone. It will be taught as fact in public schools and universities. It will be part of the religious indoctrination required for welfare assistance or in lieu of prison. We won’t be permitted to write posts like this where we question or criticize. They will rule like the Taliban. That is not hyperbole.

My goal is not to change them. In the short term, we must, WE MUST, defeat them in November.

But in the longer term, we must find a way to make a free, democratic society where everyone feels included. They need to understand that no one is going to raid their churches and tell them they can’t believe whatever they want. Personally, I try very hard to give them grace now, because this is their faith, however incomprehensible. It is part of their essence. It is emotional and deeply felt. I respect their right to believe it, because that is the essence of a free society. We agree to live alongside people who hold beliefs with which we profoundly disagree, and we grant them grace to carry on in their belief.

Even I don’t know how to reconcile that with their very hurtful and hateful intolerance. But they don’t see it as intolerance. They see it as “calling out sin.” That’s at the heart of the Florida bill I highlighted last week, making it defamation to call someone homophobic or racist, even if true. They believe their Bibles say things, and it is their charge to call it out. How dare anyone call them hateful for trying to call people to turn from sin and choose heaven? That’s how they see it. So I don’t want to contribute to a worsening of our discourse by writing these articles. I want to get liberals to think about how we can approach them differently once we win. Because forcing them to accept things that offend them has not worked.

As a liberal, I try to give even more grace to my gay friends and to peoples of color, for example, because I hope my kindness and acceptance cancels out some of the intolerance and hate.

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

we will have to be on guard forever. 2024 is just one election. This fear of the Taliban will be here forever. The Democrats need a multi layered plan and strategy. Not a one time...... a forever time.

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I watched Jon Stewart’s Daily Show monologue last night. He was epic as always. But at the end he said the election is one day, November 5. I’m paraphrasing, but in essence the country we have will be determined by those who are willing to work for it every day before Nov 5 and every day after Nov 5.

That’s a flaw Democrats have. “Obama won! We don’t have to work for it now!” When really Obama’s win sent the right into hyperdrive. I read a book by a former Google researcher. He said we could tell what people really believe by what they Google. Racist searches (“how to join the KKK” “how to kill an n-word”) jumped exponentially after Obama won the first time. Our work was just starting with Obama. If this space reaches enough eyeballs to have influence, I hope people grasp that we can never stop working again.

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

Agreed, after the massive Rock The Vote campaign it has become crickets...... that is a major oversight by the Democratic Party.

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

Well said Andra! Lots of good info to digest on what makes them tick.

I have massive issues though with their intolerance. I can't reconcile that one. Can we go back to the 80's? Lol. We had more freedom then. Great decade.

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Feb 13Liked by Andra Watkins

Aloha! (Yes, that is my idea of a joke since you are in Spain now.)

Are you familiar with the underpants gnomes meme? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnomes_(South_Park) The quality of South Park varies greatly, but when they're on top of their game, they skewer better than just about anybody. Anyway, the stuff about free markets and capitalism isn't what's pertinent (can't believe this is 25 years old already!) but the 1) collect underpants 2) ? 3) profit.

Reading the first paragraph of your comment, I don't dispute any of it. But I'm also struck by thinking, the American people are not going to tolerate that. It's too different from the life we're used to now (at least, outside of the Christian Nationalist communities). The change would have to be very gradual to boil the frog, and I don't think either of us think they will slow pedal it.

So that means I "know" we win in the end. In this analogy, that's 3).

But it also looks an awful lot like it's going to be very hard for Democrats to win this election. I just don't think Biden is politically (and personally) capable enough of delivering the message effectively, which means the party has to do it without him and in spite of him. But then if the party was effective I'm not sure he would even be the nominee. (Again, I'm talking about the political angles, not job performance.) It seems like it's going to take an awful lot of independent intervention to get the public where they need to be. (Which is why you're doing this work.)

So if 1) is Republicans win election, then what the hell is 2)? That's what I'm trying to figure out. It makes some sense that the forces making up the Democratic coalition, and just anyone who would oppose Christian Nationalist governance, can't get their act together until they're actually forced to. But then what? We know what the Republican government will do in 2025. What is everybody else going to do? Are all of the stores going to run out of toilet paper again? (Trying to use gallows humour today because the situation is so grim.)

I feel like I need a bunch of war games scenarios. I suppose this is all tangential anyway and just rambling. One big question is how will the parts of the Republican coalition, which for this purpose includes not just elected officials but everyone who votes Republican in this election, react when they start imposing the Christian Nationalist police state, which many of them, the voters at least, I don't think realize or are expecting.

When do we wake up and what are we going to do when we do?

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Hola! This is one reason I’m in Spain. Not the only one. Living overseas has long been a goal of ours. Not that anywhere will be safe if they win.

This is really the angle I’m going to pitch to Jessica when I ask her to weigh in on my Project 2025 coverage of abortion (and why I’m waiting. I wanted this to be bigger first.) I can chip away and get a few subscribers a day, which will be informative for those of us here but won’t make a difference. Or someone like her can say, “support this. It’s important.” She has written about how frustrating it was to warn about Roe’s precarity for years and few took it seriously. So I hope someone like her will see that I’m trying to do that, but for freedom and democracy writ large. And they will help this work reach people faster.

(I’ve always dreamed big.)

You and I have talked about this before. I honestly feel like America is going to have to go through this loss of freedom to understand what it had. I don’t know how long it will take true patriots to return a sane government. And yes, many Republicans may be jubilant for a few months and then go, “What the actual fuck?! This is not what I voted for.” Because what they outline in Project 2025 is a loss of freedom on a massive scale, immediately.

But because I dream big, I hope this work will combine with other voices to contribute to a better outcome in November. It won’t be without discomfort, but I still believe enough of us can make a difference, or I wouldn’t do this.

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I’m trying to send subscribers your way, I mention your Substack every chance I get on Threads, X, & other ppls stacks

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A free and democratic America thanks you.

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Feb 13Liked by Andra Watkins

'I honestly feel like America is going to have to go through this loss of freedom to understand what it had.' Yes. That's what I'm trying to accept, trying to be mentally prepared for. Perhaps it's easier for people who believe in a higher power. My own belief is that everything is our own responsibility, as humans, that it's all in our own hands. Which to me is a compelling argument to do the right thing. But anyway.

Spain is just about the farthest away from Russia, and is much more energy independent from it, so seems like just about the best place in Europe to be when Putin is unleashed. That's the kind of thing it seems like people should be thinking about now, in 2024; that's how bad it is.

It looks to me like Americans are thinking about the country as it is now, thinking about what they don't like, thinking about the last four years, thinking about Biden, and yes thinking about Trump and his first term. But they need to be forward thinking, thinking about 2025, not 2024 or 2020 or 2016.

And I really lack confidence that the Democrats can run that campaign. Which suggests to me it has to come from the grass roots; they need to echo our talking points, instead of the other way around. And I think what's happening with abortion definitely demonstrates that.

But ultimately if this doesn't become a big part of the Democrats' campaign, I think we're in trouble. Maybe we get lucky and Trump beats himself. Maybe if we can actually conduct these criminal trials the narratives will shift a bit. But, you know, wish in one hand, shit in the other. 🤷

I think this stuff would resonate with Jessica for what that's worth. I always say the abortion issue is the one most deeply connected because it's the one on which they've done the most to reveal their hand. But I suspect Jessica is extraordinarily busy with all of this right now such that I don't even know how she stays remotely sane (but so far she has :)

How to get these topics trending, this year rather than next year.

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I don’t know how to get Democrats and independent voters to take the outrage they feel over abortion, use their imaginations to apply these policies to EVERYTHING, and turn that up to STUN. Americans have no attention spans, are constantly bombarded with bullshit, get distracted by said bullshit, and fail to think ahead.

Abortion is a symptom. We can focus our energies on the symptom if we like, because it is immediate and awful and people are suffering and dying. But if we do not get our shit together and realize EVERYTHING will be abortion this time next year if we lose, if we don’t create urgency and messaging around that, we are going to lose.

I almost didn’t do this, as I told you. Because it sucks out my soul to watch people not take this seriously, not spend time here everyday, not share this work. But that it what they value. And what they value will determine the government they ultimately have. I’m fighting the good fight regardless. And I’m doing everything I can to prepare my family for the worst. That’s all you can do, too. However that looks for you.

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

Yes, exactly, everything will be abortion this time next year.

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

Congratulations on your move Spain. Exciting. What's your address for my November visit? Just in case I need to make haste out of the US..... I like to plan ahead. 😜

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I’m here for a year of language school. I spent 6 months here last year, came back to the US, Mike Johnson was elected house speaker, and my husband decided it would be better for my mental health to not look at men who reminded me of every Christian nationalist man I grew up with. It isn’t easy for us to be apart this long. My husband is my hero, and I love being with him, even after 20 years together. But this stuff is understandably triggering. I worked for over 2 decades to retrain my brain, be a somewhat functional person, deal with the trauma of that upbringing, etc, only to be faced with it every day in news headlines and spewing out of Congress. I could make this whole site “Christian Nationalist Things Politicians Said Today That You Didn’t Get,” because they say this stuff so openly now. It puts me right back there.

If you want to flee to Spain, I’m a font on info.

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

Tough love

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Feb 13Liked by Andra Watkins

WTF..... this is as illogical as immaculate conception - and that God essentially incarnated as Jesus to die for our sins so we humans didn't have to die with sin.

I had to read these article 3 times.....so when the end of times comes & goes without a second coming, then what?

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(Forgive my tardy replies today. I have a friend visiting this week. We haven’t seen each other in 4 years. We spent hours catching up last night.)

They will have to grapple with that question themselves. All I can tell you with certainty is 100-ish federal congresspeople believe this sincerely. It informs every decision they make. They are taught to force this dogma on everyone because it might keep a few more souls out of hell.

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I posted this a day ago but it ties in with your great article. Everywhere I mention Donald Trump you can add “Christian Nationalists “. This really scares me as they are proposing to destroy irreplaceable American Treasures.

Climate change and environmental damage are our Earth greatest threat (but a close second is Donald J. (for jerk) Trump. His campaign slogan is drill baby, drill. Why should he care, he’ll be be long gone when it all goes to Hell for humankind.

The Trump administration wants to stop all proactive energy saving activities such as those damn windmills that are killing whales (?), etc. He’ll give corporations full rein to strip mine, pollute and destroy nation land.

The following Federal offices will all be on the chopping block: the EPA, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Resources Conservation Service, National Park Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Civilian Community Corps, National Resources Revenue Office and the NOAA library.

Those that are left will be stripped of all scientists and knowledgeable career employees. Any one who could be a whistleblower. Pro-Trump stooges would then run each remaining department. Imagine that chaos.

No environmental protections will be inacted unless it serves corporate America. All climate change agreements with any country will be ended.


People need to know PEOPLE could recover from another Trump presidency but could the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Grand Teton or the Great Smoky Mountains?

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Yes. They will completely destroy this planet. Drilling and extracting everything.

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Feb 13Liked by Andra Watkins

People living in May 1948 will experience Armageddon. To your point that was 76 years ago......so how do they explain, reconcile that?

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“It could be any minute now,” they say.

I quit Facebook in 2020. I joined it before anyone from my age bracket was there, but around a year in, everyone I grew up with found it. I wasn’t very picky about my connections and accepted everyone. 45’s presidency and the pandemic were horrifying for many reasons, but I got to see the awfulness of these people I once knew. One of my last straws was the coin shortage during 2020. (Remember that?) And they were all posting that it was the Last Days because look! Money was running out!

Humans have a pathetic capacity for processing history. I’m sure people thought the Black Death was the end of the world. Or WWII. People will do lots of mental gymnastics to make what they see happening around them fit their worldview.

And if everyone who was born in 1948 dies and we’re still here, they will come up with another explanation.

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Feb 14Liked by Andra Watkins

"Any minute now" .... 😂 So, they never question the validity when dates come & go?

I set up a FB account under different name so I'm not bothered by a handful of GOP people I know. I follow like 15 progressive pages & 20 animal rescues. I love animals.

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They are taught never to question. These churches have been run by mini-dictators for 50 years. People who remained in those pews had to ignore every off-ramp they were given. They’ve been conditioned to admire strongmen and follow dictators without question.

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Well since the average American lifespan is around 82-83 yrs, that means their Armageddon has to occur within the next 6-8 yrs or else most of the people born in 1948 are going to be gone.

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That lines up with their behavior. The stuff happening in Europe and the Middle East, the pandemic, and the climate-change-driven disasters combine to have them all going, “This is it!!!”

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Apr 15Liked by Andra Watkins

Unfortunately, in order to claim this is the "end times", xtian choose to believe, in roughly three lines, Jesus spoke to those in front of him, then jumped to speaking of people 2,000+ years in the future, and then, went back to talking of those present. He referred to his audience, the people there in front of him, listening, and said "Your generation..." will see it. The Bible also says the Lord is the only one who can look inside and know us, therefore is the only one who can judge us. The Nat'l-ists and Dominionists should be demonstrating the benefits of living in adherence to the Bible, not forcing it on anybody. Making their biblical view the law of the land is no different from the solitary speaker, on a soap box in the center of town, calling out his beliefs, that the Bible warns us is anti-christ/false prophet.

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They also ignore Jesus' admonition about making predictions. Like MTG saying the rapture would happen during the eclipse and similar. Or picking the establishment of Israel in 1948 as the start of a countdown.

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