Jul 22Liked by Andra Watkins

What does the Bible say about wasting one's talents.? Are women doctors, scientists, engineers, writers, lawyers etc. supposed to bury their talents? 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV), “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others.” Bit of a contradiction?

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Author

Per their interpretation of Genesis 3:16, a woman's only purpose is to be subservient to her husband. Her natural use is to bear as many children as God gives her. She doesn't need to be educated or work outside the home. Being a subservient wife and mother is the only role she should strive for. Of course, this won't apply to THEIR wives. Only to the rest of us.

And yes, it's absolutely a contradiction.

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Jul 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Another example of Biblical cherry-picking.

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Genesis 3:16 is a really powerful window into their entire worldview. It's no wonder men cherry-picked it to justify their own self-appointed supremacy.

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Jul 22Liked by Andra Watkins


PoliticsGirl shovels it back at 'em.

These people need a feminist tongue lashing.

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Oh, they roll their eyes and call her unhinged and hysterical and move on with their days. But she’s right: Their goal is to never have to roll their eyes at us again, because they intend to make us shut up.

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Jul 22Liked by Andra Watkins

I follow her on IG. Cherry picking absolutely. I’m trying to get my church to show the Bad Faith documentary. I feel Faith leaders need to step up and speak out because their faith is being weaponized. We’ll see how that goes. It the church HQ that needs to take the lead.

I’m not happy about their silence. It’s leading me to be a semi-agnostic! I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. Nothing changes when nothing changes. My rant for today 😉

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As much as it gave me PTSD, Bad Faith is a must watch for Americans who aren't familiar with the world of Christian Nationalism. I can't watch it again, but I highly recommend it.

I'm disappointed in many churches and faith leaders as well.

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Jul 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Jesus never said it would be easy. Those faith leaders might want to remember that instead of burying their heads in the sand.

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Jul 22Liked by Andra Watkins

"Ranting is sometimes necessary," saith this agnostic.

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Jul 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Don’t forget that when a man uses a woman all up after she has his children and cares for him and them for 20 years then leaves her for a younger model she will be left with literally nothing. I know they want no fault divorce but somehow men will have an out. I know that for sure.

Maybe I’m bitter because this happened to my mother after raising dad’s 5 kids. Btw he was ordained in the southern Baptist church albeit not preaching then. It was a serious lesson and I vowed to always have my own career and money which I did. We can’t let this happen in the 21st century!

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In many Muslim Sharia Law societies, the man can divorce his wife any time he wants. Women can't get a divorce under any circumstances. I see the Christian Taliban doing something similar. Men will be able to leave; women won't.

And you're right. Women won't have assets or jobs or educations to support themselves (and their children, inevitably) when their husbands leave them for younger models.

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Jul 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Why is Facebook censoring Andra's research about the people behind Project 2025? Ask the Republican operatives working there! Hint: Joel Kaplan, Facebook VP of Global Policy helped Kavanaugh into the Supreme Court.


Trump's History of Insulting Women: How Will He Attack Kamala Harris?


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Ooh! Good catch, Deepak. I didn't know that about Kaplan and Kavanaugh. More Americans need to know these connections.

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Jul 22Liked by Andra Watkins

So interesting, Deepak.I’m not on Facebook but several in my activist group mtg. last w-end mentioned being censored when posting about P2025. Someone mentioned DemCast had suggested using (number) 0 for the O in Project and O for 0 in 2025. Of course that wouldn’t work when sharing links.

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Maybe this will be the straw that will break Facebook. I surrendered it to the crazies 4 years ago.

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Jul 22Liked by Andra Watkins

The vice-president called out Project 2025 by name in her statement about her candidacy. I think that's a big win, especially remembering that her background and strengths are as a prosecutor.

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I hope that means the House Democratic P2025 Task Force has been doing something during these endless weeks of arguing.

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Jul 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Well, what we were doing before wasn't working. Biden isn't necessarily the only reason for that, but he was one of them (and I'm not trying to cast blame; I'm not sure there was much he was capable of doing differently). So when something isn't working you have to try something different. It's too important for anybody to be frozen like a deer in headlights. We'll see how it goes. The Republican plan has always been to run this campaign like it's 1980 (or maybe 1968 too). That very well might still succeed. But Carter and LBJ couldn't have won those elections 🤷

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While I was never excited to vote for Biden, I did in 2020. And I did again in the 2024 primary. I feel like I have been disenfranchised by rich white men and Democrat politicians and a chorus of people on the internet. We can say whatever we want to say to justify this lack of democracy and disregard of voting to ourselves, but at the end of the day, that's what this was.

I'm excited about Kamala Harris. I will vote for her.

But I'm not going to keep voting for Democrats long-term who refuse to reform our democracy and take money out of politics. I'm angry about it. I've been angry about it since Citizens United. George fucking Clooney's vote and voice should not matter more than the constituents of these assholes who voted for them to be in DC. And whatever happens, he'll take his sanctimonious blowhardery back to the UK and Italy where he spends most of his ultra-wealthy, disconnected from the hoi-polloi existence. (I have always deplored him. Watching him in anything is like fingernails and chalkboard. So it's easy for me to pile my grievance at them collectively on him. I also acknowledge that I live in Spain. In a 50 square meter apartment but still I must cite my own privilege.)

The people who wanted him out got their way. I don't need to hear anymore about it. I have read enough lectures to last the rest of my life. I'll work for Harris. I'll work for a broken democracy for a chance to reform that democracy.

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Jul 22Liked by Andra Watkins

"I'll work for a broken democracy for a chance to reform that democracy. "

That's what a Harris victory could do: create a space in which people can work hard to create a more progressive and equitable future. If they take up the challenge. A Trump victory means the jackboot and endless fear.

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Jul 22Liked by Andra Watkins

I think in this particular situation there's sort of a chicken and egg question. All the evidence was that Biden had been in a bad position with the actual voters for a long time. The debate was a catalyzing moment, such that elites - donors, pundits, etc. - started expressing their alarm. About Biden's ability to win the election. Which then probably led to further deterioration with the voters. But I don't think looking at one without the other provides a complete or satisfying explanation for what happened. And then I think the role of a political party in the system is to sort that all out. I do think elected officials had conversations with their constituents about it; they're certainly saying they have. The process was different from what normally happens, but I think there were still democratic forces at work. That's my take anyway; we'll probably agree to disagree. We can definitely agree that democracy is not sustainable in the long run if all parties only represent the interests of the wealthy.

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Jul 23Liked by Andra Watkins

Yes I saw that as well 👍

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Jul 22Liked by Andra Watkins

Matthew 21:44 The Christian “Nationalists” ignore the words and actions of JESUS CHRIST to their detriment. Why did HE accept torture and death on the cross? Jesus told Martha to get out of the kitchen - so why do these self important pieces of clay believe that they can order us back into it?

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Christian Nationalists don't worship Jesus Christ. They point to the cross but worship vengeful, angry Old Testament God, and they have personified him in 45, their nominee.

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Jul 22Liked by Andra Watkins

One consequence that I haven't seen mentioned here (Andra may have addressed it in an earlier post) is the real possibility that a lost pregnancy could lead to prosecution. See, for example:


What is assumed is that certain behaviors may have led to the "fetal person's" death or even murder. Perhaps that behavior was a form of disobedience? In any event it is another step toward enforcing subservience. And of course, the only people affected by such laws are lower class women who have the least resources to protect themselves.

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Red states are already jailing women for "endangering the unborn." Alabama arrests and incarcerates pregnant women for substance abuse, for example. But this is a way to police everything women do. Every miscarriage will be treated as a possible abortion, because the woman may have done something to cause it. It will mean endless intrusion into the lives of people who are already grieving a loss, whose hormones are whacked, who probably have children and jobs and responsibilities. If they obtain power, they will absolutely go there. Several red states are already going there.

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