Jun 5Liked by Andra Watkins

This may be a topic you still plan to cover, but can we assume that P2025 ramps up the Republican’s strategy of remaking the judicial branch through withholding appointments under a Dem President and then installing far right judges once they are able? Do they have anything new up their sleeves?

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This strategy isn't specifically spelled out in P2025, but they've been deploying it for at least a decade already, to stratospheric success. And if Republicans win in November, I doubt we'll have a Dem President again in my lifetime. Republicans will own everything for years if not decades.

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Jun 5Liked by Andra Watkins

Dem voters who would march in protest in the wake of Trump's re-election and invocation of the Insurrection Act could conceivably come under fire. The National Guard and/or the military could be activated. Is a Tiananmen Square, American-style, possibly in the offing? After all, Trump wanted to gun down protestors in Lafayette Square but was restrained by Milley and Esper. Take people like that out of the equation and what then is possible? I've heard/read observers who think this scenario is within the realm of possibility. Such a master plan goes beyond Republican weaponization of the DOJ.

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Initially, Dem protestors would be dealt with by a different arm of the government: The military, as you said in your comment. I believe an unrestrained Christo-fascist Republican regime would invoke the Insurrection Act to suppress protests, and yes, I believe they would maim and kill protestors. They will certainly arrest them. I even talked about that a bit in my newsletter covering tent cities for immigrants. Those could just as easily be used to detain thousands and thousands of protestors at one time.

Project 2025 is a coordinated assault on our Constitution and rule of law. It invokes all branches of government in this effort. This week, I’m covering the DOJ. But you’re correct: They have goals well beyond using the DOJ and the FBI to harass and prosecute their “enemies.”

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there is a Women’s March on June 24th Nationwide. Join us www.WomensMarch.com and look for locations in your state. Wear red and boycott everything you can on that day if you cannot attend.

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Jun 5Liked by Andra Watkins

After all, we have seen how integral judges are to justice…just seeing the contrast between the porn/hush/cover-up case versus the stealing classified documents case. And take note of what that might mean for anyone willing to stick their neck out as a whistleblower from within a corrupted Justice Department (or anywhere ekse in the Executive branch.

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Numerous people tried to sound alarm bells back in 2017 and 2018 about the impact of 45's legacy on the courts. Few people paid attention. Democrats really didn't do anything to go on the offensive during that time. And here we are. With a Christo-fascist majority on the Supreme Court and numerous Christo-fascist judges installed at lower levels. Those judges would have no problem criminalizing "enemies of the regime."

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Jun 5Liked by Andra Watkins

It is very kind of the GOP to give us an example - many examples - of what "weaponizing" any part of gov't looks like. Just look at how much the House Majority has achieved for We the People since the mid-terms! Hearing after hearing, no evidence of any crimes, etc, etc. Is the GOP unable to look up the statutes? How are they capable of writing laws if they can't understand how they work in practice? It is very clear the MAGA-ites in the House have no idea if any Dems have committed crimes therefore requiring numerous hearings and "investigations" in order to find or make up crimes. They have become a clown car version of a political party, with no interest or ability to govern. That's what one gets when one tries to weaponize gov't: a clown car.

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They are a very determined clown car. Their base are revving their clown cars alongside them. It boggles my mind that this isn't all we hear about, all the time.

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